Luby,s just lost my business.

jackie schmidt

New member
My wife and I went to a Luby’s Cafeteria last eavning. I had my IPad, and we were going to look at something on

I logged into their WiFi, and guess what. Their server banned the Site because it is firearm related.

I found the Manager and politely informed him that while we were long time customers, we would not be back.

You have to take a stand somewhere.
Jackie, I understand where you’re coming from. And I respect you immensely.
However, I’m a little disappointed any device was brought out at all. Just a little pet peeve I have while out to dinner with family.
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Jackie, I understand where you’re coming from. And I respect you immensely.
However, I’m a little disappointed any device was brought out at all. Just a little pet peeve I have while out to dinner with family.

This was just my wife and me, we were discussing a out of town shooting match to attend, so we wanted to look at the Gulf Coast Region Schedule.
Jackie, I understand where you’re coming from. And I respect you immensely.
However, I’m a little disappointed any device was brought out at all. Just a little pet peeve I have while out to dinner with family.

Keith, I understand where you're coming from--oooops, that's a lie.....I KNOW where you're coming from, but DO NOT understand it.

I've had people coming at me like this all my life.

I don't "respect you immensely" because I don't know you from Adam's off ox but I sure do get sick of folks "being disappointed in" the actions of others, be it how they cut their jib or how they walk, talk or wander. Or how they handle private time with their Beloverly Others......

Be Well

Jackie it looks like the left coast way of thinking is making it’s way to texas, just like a bad virus. An iPad is nothing more than a big cell phone, people use them all the time everywhere they go. I would have done the same as you and walked out. Isn’t ted cruz still in charge over there?
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Do what I did, get an ipad with its own phone # and you don’t need to log onto anyone’s free wi-fi net work.
we did this so that no matter where we are at a shoot we can log into our bank and pay bills.
While I don’t agree with Lubby’s policy I do understand their stance, was it not Lubby’s in Texas that the guy shot up years ago after running his car into the front of the restaurant? Don’t remember how many were killed or injured but I do remember a woman testifying in front of congress about her concealed firearm was left in her car due to Lubby’s firearms policy! Guess theydidn’t learn a lesson from that incident. That is if they not only forbid the use of their wi-fi to view gun related websites. Just wondering if they also forbid CCW on their premises?
How was the food?:D When i eat at Luby's, it usually takes about an hour, plus or minus,to finish the meal. Dont remember ever having a need to surf the net, that couldn't wait until later. I do remember eating at Luby's,with some friends, when two Benchrest Rifles,with March Scopes, were stolen from my locked and alarmed vehicle, that was parked in the parking lot at Luby's. The loss was covered 100% percent by my home owners insurance.

I dont blame Luby's for my misfortune. Sometimes, Shiit happens. I never recovered the Best Benchrest Rifle I ever owned. It still bothers me.

My iPhone 7 works, most of the time, when I need to access the net.

The local hospital has any firearms or weapons related sights blocked, cant get on this forum. Spent a couple of days there, and no gun stuff, but the guy next to me was able to watch porn on the Wi-Fi. Who decides what gets thru?
With all my recent medical treatment I have also been in hospitals that have firearms related sites block as well as other types of sites. My ipad has cell service like my phone and I just use data through a cell tower when sites are blocked. My office network also blocks these sites. Their network, their right. Plenty of places for good food with no blocking and plenty of places that don't even offer Guest WiFi.

My wife and I went to a Luby’s Cafeteria last eavning. I had my IPad, and we were going to look at something on

I logged into their WiFi, and guess what. Their server banned the Site because it is firearm related.

I found the Manager and politely informed him that while we were long time customers, we would not be back.

You have to take a stand somewhere.

Jackie, I like your attitude -- if you don't like the way they do things take your money elsewhere; but, what are you going to do if your heart doctor's office has the same policy?
Jackie, I like your attitude -- if you don't like the way they do things take your money elsewhere; but, what are you going to do if your heart doctor's office has the same policy?

Well, I'm not going to die over it.

My IPad is actually on my Shop's Verizon Network. But anytime I can catch a free hot spot, I will do it, because it's free.

I was able to get on line because I simply turned off the WiFi in settings and went on Verizon.

But that didn't change Luby's policy. They seem to think that we are a bunch of evil barbarians, so screw 'em.
was it not Lubby’s in Texas that the guy shot up years ago after running his car into the front of the restaurant? Don’t remember how many were killed or injured but I do remember a woman testifying in front of congress about her concealed firearm was left in her car due to Lubby’s firearms policy!

Lubby's should have had a sign posted that said "No Firearms Allowed" -- surely that would have prevented all that violence.

BTW, based on the following links, the lady's gun may have been left in the car for reasons other than Lubby's "fireams policy."'s_shooting and

Ive never heard of the place but Id be just like ya Jackie. When yur running down the 2nd amendment your walking on the fighting side of me. No matter who got shot where. But I don't have an IPad. Im old school not ammish just old school. Doug
Even tho posted if they don't know/can't tell that you're armed then you're not armed. That's just their policy; it's NOT the law. If it ever happened that you would need to use it on their premises what could they do after the fact?

I don't carry and don't want to, but IF I DID, it would be for MY protection and not to play cop.
Unfortunately "Firearms Ownership" is not a Federally Protected Class like the 8 Federal ones, the 10 New York State ones and the 14 New York City ones. Fortunately my Cardiologist and my Oncologist both shoot with me.
Jackie, thanks for posting those 2 laws, it sure would or will make a difference for me if I am ever in Texas.
Has there ever been any challenge to change those laws by ccw license holders in Texas? If we are on private property with concealed weapon, and the property owner notices you are carrying, and asks you to leave, if you don’t leave then your in violation of trespassing and can be cited for that.
Do you see a lot of these signs on private businesses down there? In reading this it looks like the signs are 2’X4’!
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