
Thanks for the tip Lee. I received my order today and am confused.....:confused::confused: I first ordered Lt March of 2013. They were 1#er's and the bar code was 94794 00681 2 My next order was 8# in September 2013 and the bar code was 94794 00688 1 The 8#er's I received today are the same numbers as the order I received in September 2013. This powder has been on backorder everywhere for months. If the last number on the bar code is the lot number, it makes absolutely no sense that there is any lot number 1 left for sale after I received lot number 2 in March. I heard of guys getting lot numbers as high as 6 out there. As short as powder has been it seems impossible for any of lot number 1 to be out there anywhere. My crono will tell me. Something smells.............:(

Any answers out there?

Isn't a barcode number just a unique product number?

My 8#'s from Bob Graff have a sticker on the bottom with the lot# and packaging date..

Call Ramshot and talk to Keith Anderson about lot numbers.
Dave, Jerry's got it right. The barcode on the label isn't the lot info. Look on the bottom of the jugs for a sticker with a date and the lot number above it.

Mine says 3 and 03.20.13


Jerry & Jerry I see what you mean. It looks like the 1 pounders have the numbers on the side of the container on last years stuff. I never looked on the bottoms of last years 8 pounders. . This new batch is lot #10 on the 8 pounders.
