Loss of a great Man



I heard this afternoon that Mike Studebaker passed away.Mike was a great person that would help anyone out. I had the pleasure to watch him win the Nationals several years ago.Mike was a good friend and will be sadly missed by all.Keep his family in your prayers.Jerry
Mike Studebaker was a great person, friend and shooter.
Jan and I give our condolence to the family.

Mike Studebaker

They just don't come any better than Mike. I am pleased to call him friend and may God bless his soul and his family.

We are all better off having known him. None of us will ever meet a more kind and understanding man. I'll miss him.
Fan & Friend

Dorothy and I count Mike as both a fan and friend. We'll miss him and that great smile he always gave us. Our prayers are with Jane and the family.
Pat and all who shot with him on a regular basis,
Mike was always optimistic, even when the conditions told otherwise. We lost a friend today folks. A shooter he was, but I lost a friend. Pat understands what I'm saying. He will be missed and my family and I's prayers will be going out to Jane and his. He was a true gentleman to me and Champion.

I am sitting here this morning knowing what I want to say but not able to put in to words. He was a good friend and a great competitor. Our prayers are with Jane and her family.

Mike and Jane Worthington
I had only shot with Mike a couple of times, but he was always friendly and helpful.. Our deepest condolences go out to his wife Jane and family..

We are diminished....

My friend is gone, but not forgotten.

Mike-Jane, Lynn and Vickie, Linda and I were the travelers. We looked forward to the ARA Nationals each year. We enjoyed each others company at this special time of the year and miss it all. Mike was special to me being he a younger vet. of Nam. Being a combat engineer I know he'll make it to were he's going. Bye "Mike".......
One of the Best

Mike will be missed by many shooters, he was a freindly and upbeat individual, always with a smile, and helping hand. Karen and I will miss him. Our best to Jane.
Every Time

I Seen Mike He Was Always Smiling! Nothing But Nice Things Came From His Mouth.. He Will Be Greatly Missed And Our Loss Is Gods Gain.. Harry..
LUKE 17, Verse 6

The Mike Studebaker Family:

Mike is an ARA Nationals Champion.....after his awesome win, I called him to congratulate him.......Mike was an awesome shooter, but I doubt if many would have picked him to win that year........I asked him how he did it......he then said something which shows who Mike Studebaker really was....he said he won it for his friend Travis Ruhlow.....he said he didn't know how he was going to do it, he just knew he had to, and believed he could....and he did.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Mike...a GREAT guy with a GREAT smile!

Mike told me the same thing he told Bill...when I congratulated him on his awesome win, he smiled, but with tears in his eyes, he said he did it for Travis. We only got to see him at The Nationals...always wonderful to visit with him. He will be sadly missed. Our prayers go out to his family.

Donna & Ray
Mike, I'll not forget all the help you gave when I started shooting rimfire. I'm going to miss you friend.
Always with a smile.

The memory I will always have of Mike is that you would never see him without a smile. He would always greet you at first sight with that wonderful smile. Mike was a "Gentle Giant" of a man that all of us were fortunate to call friend. Our sport has lost a great ambassador but, his legacy will live on because of the way Mike has taught us to treat others. When I think of Mike I think smile, friend, sincere, and competitor. I'm thrilled that I was at the 2001 ARA Nationals to see Mike whip up on the competition while being a true gentleman. We all will miss you.....

Mike Sherrill
Mike Studebaker

Was One Of The Most Geniune, Class, Individuals I Have Ever Had The Pleasure To Meet. The First Thing You Would Notice Was His Smile, Followed By A Welcoming Handshake. Although We Did Not Get To Shoot Together Very Often I Always Enjoyed Seeing Him And His Family At The Nationals.
Last Year We Sat And Talked Down At The Range About How The Shooting Season Was Going, And Other General Topics. Mike Was An Individual That Was Always Willing To Help Anyone Try To Improve Their Shooting Skills. I Have Seen People Come Up And Ask Him Questions About Various Subjects About Their Rifles And Shooting In General. Mike Would Just Smile And Try To Help Them Out Any Way He Could.
As This Year's Nationals Nears It Will Be Different For Me Not Seeing And Talking To Mike. I Think That Is One Of The Reasons People Come From All Over The Country Is To See Old Friends And Shoot Against Some Of The Best Competitors Around.
To Mike's Family Our Prayers Are With You. We Have All Lost A Great Competitor, But Most Of All We Have Lost A Good Friend That Will Be Missed. So Long Mike.....Peace.
Well said Doug! I think it would very appropriate to have a moment of silence before the first relay's command to commence fire at the Nationals for Mr. Mike Studebaker. Everyone can hear it on the intercom and take that moment to honor him.

Carp that is a great Idea! Give Macky a e-mail better off I will call him tonight.Jerry
I talked to Macky this evening and I understand that you talked to Polly last evening. I think they are on the same page as you and I. I can not think of a better way to honor him.

Sorry to see you go Mike, may you always shoot 2500's. Gary