Looking for Suggetions / Source for high quality 300 Winchester Mag Brass




I understand from a some basic searching that RWS makes some of the best quality 300 Win Mag brass available. Any ideas or suggestions on where to source this golden stuff?

I think that I've been spoiled by Lapua in some of the other calibers that I shoot, and I know there were better choices for mag brass when I made the decision to chamber in 300 Win Mag, however, now that I have the rifle...the choices have diminished, and I am on the hunt for the brass.:eek:

Any and all suggestions welcome...

RWS is the best...

... but finding it now is going to be tough. You might try Huntington's out in Kalifornia. They were the only ones that I could find that had it when my other sources were depleted, but their cost was 2 1/2 times what I usually paid.

I am working on trying some Hornaday brass to save what RWS I have. Plus I am staying away from Norma because of how soft it is and how quickly it loses the primer pocket.

Lupua ???

I found some new but now out of production Lupua at a local store about 3 months ago.

It might be worth asking around if any of that is still available. I have started preping some of it but not tested any yet. Of course I should ask the experts here if that Lupua is as good as the RWS being mention here.


I appreciate your help, and managed to source 150 pieces of RWS. I'll be curious to hear how the Hornady brass works out...
Danny Brooks

Let me know how the Hornady brass works out for you.
I just had 2 reamers made off of the 300 win. mag.(modified the case slightly to use in both 7mm & .308 cal.) right before RWS stopped shipping it over to us & now Lapua bailed out on me.
I didnt think I'd live long enough to see them stop production of the 300 win mag.
Lonny Hummel says Hornady brass is as good as Lapua,let me know what you think of it @ cutrightsprecisionrifles@yahoo.com .
Try Norma, you can find it and it is great brass for the 300 win mag. When I couldn't find RWS and Lapua I tried Norma and never looked back...great brass.
If your willing to pay the huge price you can buy loaded ammo in 300 Win Mag from RWS.Knock the bullets out with a kinetic hammer and you have primed brass ready for neck turning or fireforming.
As many times as I've had to break out the "hammer" you'd think I'd have considered that as a first option :)

I started out with 200 pieces of RWS 375-H-H brass and made it into 300 Ackley brass.I ended up with 56 pieces I considered Nationals quality.Problem is we shoot 60 record shots at the Nationals so I needed 4 more good pieces.I ended up buying 2 boxes of factory loaded ammo at $64 a box plus shipping to get those last 4 rounds and a few spares.It works in a pinch but if you needed 200 cases it would run you $640
Hornaday brass

I have fire formed some of it and checked it over, ( about 30 cases) and so far it does not match up to the RWS. But I will test some more over the next few months with the Nationals coming up.
I was testing it in my LG, but I have it up for sale, if it goes, I will have to test in my HG.

Ask me again in a month.

On the Norma brass...

... I was using that in a 7mm Rem Mag HG, with no real pressure loads and the primer pockets will not hold primers after 2 and 3 shots. I am scared to spend a buck a piece for 300 Win Mag brass after that.

Soft case heads

Thats what I'm talkin about. I'd rather use Winchester than Norma. I still have some new RWS that I'm gonna use for the 30cal. but I gotta find something to fall back on cause I aint got much of it.

I have heard (you know, the "what some guy said" channel) that Winchester brass is pretty solid. You may have to throw out 50% for being out of round, but it's cheap enough you can do that. Or do what T.J. Jackson did with the old "watch my runout" Remington BR cases when he fell in love with the BR & only Remington made cases.

BTW, when I was shooting the .30 Hart, .375 H&H cases from Norma outlasted Remington .300 Weatherby cases. Neither was ideal . . .

I hated to say that about Norma but its been true for my experiance with it.
If they would hardin the case heads it'd be excellant brass.
I have had a good run with the Lapua 300WM cases in my wildcat, very even ,wall concentricity is great and i get above 20 reloads now .. At the pressures my gun likes to run at i have to resize the primer pockets everytime but it's a small price to pay .. Never run Norma ,the RWS seems the best in the pressure stakes but costs an arm and a leg in AUS and is only available about twice a year..JR..Jeff Rogers
I have Norma with 8 fairly hot loadings on it and not one loose pocket. Not doubting you guys, just stating a fact.
I am not trying to run down...

... any case at all. I had always heard that about Norma being soft, and so far I have found it to be true. But I paid less that $1 per RWS case and NEVER have I lost a primer pocket. I have some that have about 25-30 firings and still the pockets are fairly tight.
I have compared the costs of each and with the softer cases, it just doesn't seem to comparable. I will tighten the pockets up. I am not just going to throw them into the scrap box, but they will make it there sooner.
I just wish that I had bought more 7mm RWS brass before it was to late.
And I wish Federal would make their brass available again. They stopped selling it after Sept. 11th. I called and begged them to sell me an entire lot of brass and they said they couldn't as they were ramping up the production for military supplies. I wanted to cry:(
Now if someone other than Winchester & Norma would make 300 WSM brass I would be very happy.

Maybe if enough people asked Lapua they would see there is a demand for the 300 WSM brass. I talked to them a year ago and at that time they said they had no plans of producing it. Shoot them an Email and lets show Lapua there is a need for High qualitly 300 WSM brass. THe cartridge is getting more and more popular.