Looking for rebarreling advise


New member
I am planning on rebarreling my 6.5X284 F class savage next year. I am currently thinking Krieger, but am open to suggestions. I would like to finish the barrel at around 31.5 or 32" and that is only for the weight of the gun (as I would like to keep it close to the 17lbs class) My current set up ended up shooting really well but I didn't get much for speed so I would like to try get the most out of a new one as possible. I don't mind altering the stock to fit an extra fat barrel, but I don't know if there is any benefit to that??? suggestions welcome.
Don't overlook Bartlein; just bought my second 1 in 8" 5R blank. The first was chambered in .243 A.I. and is showing real promise. The second will probably be chambered for 6mm BR.
Bartlein does make some nice barrels. My gun smith has one on his 243 A.I. and loves it.

Looking at the bore with a borescope was an eye opener as the lands are not clear cut the way they are on regular rifling.
Maybe someone more experienced can help out here as I'm just guessing. My guess is this is another name for trapezoidal rifling or ratchet rifling?

It shoots very well & cleans very well.
Looking through that bartlein of my gunsmiths it almost looks like the rifling just disapears as you look at it. Some of this techinical stuff is just way above my pay grade.
Looking through that bartlein of my gunsmiths it almost looks like the rifling just disapears as you look at it. Some of this techinical stuff is just way above my pay grade.
I would say then, trust your gunsmith. Unless s/he is the rare sort that always recommends what they think you want to hear, their recommendation is a lot better than "internet advice."

But just out of curiosity, how much extra speed you you think you'll get with a longer barrel? It likely won't be that much.
I would say then, trust your gunsmith. Unless s/he is the rare sort that always recommends what they think you want to hear, their recommendation is a lot better than "internet advice."

But just out of curiosity, how much extra speed you you think you'll get with a longer barrel? It likely won't be that much.

I do trust my gunsmith I just like to compare all the opinions. To clarify I am not getting a longer barrel for the extra speed I want it for the overall weight of the gun. Gun is 15.5lbs at the moment and I don't like breaks so the little extra barrel 1.5-2" will get me a maybe 30-50fps but I care about the little extra weight more. I do want better speed out of this barrel than my last one as it is just a dog (a dog that shoots in one hole) I don't think it is unreasonable to want 2950 or better out of a 6.5X284 that shoots
Isn't Bartlein's 5R rifling a variation on a technique developed by Boots Obermeyer?

Bruce Duncan

Edited to add: All my rifles have Bartlein barrels.

From what I have been told the originators of Bartlein, Krieger, Rock Creek and Brux to name a few all started under the tutelage of Mr. Obermeyer.