Lincoln County July 12 Results


Ted Derivan

Another windy day at Lincoln County Rifle Club for our 3 Gun and UL matches. Results below:


Pete Wass 250 17 4
Ted Derivan 249 9 19
Keith Royal 244 10 2


Pete Wass 249 15 14
Keith Royal 249 14 14
Ted Derivan 245 15 5


Pete Wass 250 14 2
Keith Royal 248 13 1
Ted Derivan 246 10 2

3 Gun
Pete Wass 749 46
Keith Royal 741 37
Ted Derivan 740 34

UL 1
Keith Royal 246 8 2
Pete Wass 246 6 3
William Colbert 245 11 21

UL 2
Keith Royal 248 9 4
Pete Wass 242 9 3
William Colbert 240 9 2

UL 3
Paul Bendix 242 9 3
Pete Wass 239 4 1
Ted Derivan 238 3 1

Thanks again for all the help.

Ted Derivan

Thanks Ted for another great match at LCRC & thanks also for turning the wind machine down a bit. Thanks also to the gals for another great lunch!
Congratulations Pete on your 1st 250 with a sporter! Not only that but the 1st shot at LCRC! And also for your personal best in 3-gun w/ the 749. A great accomplishment & was as always a pleasure to watch you work. Great job!
Thanks Keith

Thanks Ted for another great match at LCRC & thanks also for turning the wind machine down a bit. Thanks also to the gals for another great lunch!
Congratulations Pete on your 1st 250 with a sporter! Not only that but the 1st shot at LCRC! And also for your personal best in 3-gun w/ the 749. A great accomplishment & was as always a pleasure to watch you work. Great job!

Just an old blind hog is all there was to it :).

Thanks Ted

It was indeed a wild one in the PM. We had an even wilder one today with the CF match in the Big LC. Thank You for hosting these matches. We are very fortunate to have a second venue here in Maine now. Appreciate the hot lunches as well.


Even sweeter must be the fact that the heavy gun was a Wass barreled gun! We won't get into the mfg!;)
Pete, Keith,
Thanks guys, it is fun to host the matches and get some new shooters out each time. At least we know that the Grill Girls will show up and feed us. Hopefully next match we can round up some pie-

Ted Derivan
Great Job

You've done a great job promoting the matches Ted. Its great to see others trying it out.
Great Range!

You guys sure have a nice Club. Was only 40 miles from my camp!!
Pete, Congrats on your sporter 250 and 749 for the agg.

The girls made a great lunch!

Great Benches (12) like how the windows open front and back. Great year round firing line.

Will try to get a couple of more shoots in this summer!
Paul Bendix