Leupold LCS Paralax


New member
Once upon a time, I saw someone describe the correct process for getting the paralax adjustment correct in the Leupold LCS...the one with it on the side. There some some thing about the lash.

Search on "paralax lash" not yielding results.

Could someone briefly describe it?

Best regards,

Greg J.
Try searching for "parallax". Fred Bohl has posted quite a few scope adjustment tips. Try searching for his posts.
OK, I've read through a lot of the threads. I guess I should have been more clear that I'm only taking about how to avoid the lash problem in the new LCS scopes.

I *think*, but want to confirm, that you take the adjustment all the way to the stop and then come in from there. I'm also inclear as to which direction to take it to the stop. zero or infinity.

Greg J.
Against the spring

Any time you make an adjustment, you final adjustment should always be against spring pressure.
Once upon a time, I saw someone describe the correct process for getting the paralax adjustment correct in the Leupold LCS...the one with it on the side.
Greg J.
Greg, I know I'm pretty blind but I've never been able to detect parallax in a LCS. Since they came out I've owned 8 and still have 5 and none of them have I been able to detect parallax.

I went to the range this afternoon to put a new barrel on paper for my Egg Shoot gun. It has a T-36 Weaver I just leave on it and WOW. I had forgotten how much parallax there can be in a front adjust scope. Couldn't hardly see a 22 bullet hole either at 200 even!!
It's gotta be there... I've got the scope now. No rings yet, though. Can't wait to shoot with it. The son's rifle will have a NF (still waiting on it to be delivered). It'll be interesting to see which one I like better.

Greg J.
I have noticed this

Greg, I know I'm pretty blind but I've never been able to detect parallax in a LCS. Since they came out I've owned 8 and still have 5 and none of them have I been able to detect parallax.

I went to the range this afternoon to put a new barrel on paper for my Egg Shoot gun. It has a T-36 Weaver I just leave on it and WOW. I had forgotten how much parallax there can be in a front adjust scope. Couldn't hardly see a 22 bullet hole either at 200 even!!

With the two LCS's I have had, there never seems to be any paralax in them, unlike most of the other scopes I have had.