Let's try again, Salem will host another match this coming Sunday, 1/29


New member
Cabin fever is setting in at Salem. Four of us shoot almost every Wed eve and Sunday morning, and frankly, we're getting bored to the point where we don't care how we shoot anymore. We need some company, so if anyone can make it to Salem on Sunday, please join us!! Same details as last week!
Will make your Sunday shoot

Cabin fever is setting in at Salem. Four of us shoot almost every Wed eve and Sunday morning, and frankly, we're getting bored to the point where we don't care how we shoot anymore. We need some company, so if anyone can make it to Salem on Sunday, please join us!! Same details as last week!

Todd, unless a big snow storm I should show up.

Thats Great Paul!

Pete and Art should have their new Thomas Rifles by the end of the week, and could probably use some input from you as to how to service and tune them.
See you Sunday,
We now have 3 shooters with brand new Thomas rifles coming to the match on Sunday, plus Paul with his older one:cool: