Left the Range

Bob Pastor

New member
An icon at the Williamsport 1,000 yd. benchrest club past away last night. Sarah Morgan will be missed by all.
Sarah always had a smile to greet new shooters. She was a great ambassador for the sport and a damn fine shooter.

God Bless You Sarah.
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This is truely a loss to the shooting community especially at Williamsport. Sarah was there from the very begining and is as much a part of the foundation as the building itself. She was a great shooter (Hall of Fame) and loved being at the bench as much as behind the counter. Her shooting career alone was spectacular.

She was an incredible friend to everyone and anyone at the club. There wasn't anyone who couldn't have a conversation with Sarah. As the Secretary for the club, she made sure that everything ran well. She never let us forget the traditions either! She made sure the matches, the banquet, the summer picnic, the World Open, etc always ran.

She will be sorely missed by everyone and I am blessed to have known her!

Ted, my prayers are with you and Sarah!

Eric Wolfgang
Original PA 1000 Yard Benchrest Club
Of the people I've met during my lifetime, few have I had such respect for. Her selflessness toward all her friends, both at the club and away from, is something found only in the rarest of individuals, which she was.

Thankfully, I am amongst those who knew her and had the opportunity to work with her so long, and so much. I'm sure no one will ever fill her shoes at the range. If the shooting sports do have another person so devoted, I've not met them.

I find myself at a loss for words, and that's ironic with so many which could be written. The memories that stand out most to me of the times we spent, are all the laughs and that terrificly coy sense of humor that would just stun us when it was dealt out. Bob had it right above when he said, "An Icon..." Truer words haven't been spoken. Ditto Wolfdawg's every word. I know of many who feel this loss closely, none I'm sure more than Ted. My most heartfelt condolences go out to You and your family Ted.

Phil Bower
Sarah was an Icon of 1000 yard benchrest shooting and very devoted to make everything run smooth and fair. It was an honor to know her. Take care Ted.
Sarah was a GOOD PERSON, I only hope someone can truely say that about me, after I'm gone. The Yukon Kid a.k.a. Peter Flisock
VERY sorry to hear that.
Met Sarah only once,at a World Open, and was impressed.
Will remember her as the finest shooting Lady i´ve ever met.

RIP Sarah

Best wishes to her Family.

We enjoyed talking to Sarah at the school these last 3 years. She was a class act always and will be sorely missed.

John and Allison
Wow, I guess I need to read BR Central more often. Very sorry to hear of this news. Sarah was there working the very first time I ever stepped foot on the PA range back in the '80s and was there working (and shooting) the last time I was there in 2006? Dedication and giving back to the sport is an understatement.
I remember even after being a club member for only a couple of years when I went into the service in she said she would still send me match reports while I was away (I couldn't afford membership fees on enlisted pay just to get the match reports) so I could keep up with everything and know the current schedule. And she did that for my entire enlistment. I didn't ask her for that favor, she was the one who said she would do that for me while serving this country. I've never forgotten that.

she must have been special... because she always said that old Harry Keiser never once cursed around her, ever. I've been to Harry's shop several times and that would be something that Harry would have to work really hard at not doing. ;)

RIP Sarah. You did your share of giving here on earth.
