Lead removal solvent

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I recently did a Google search under the heading of Lead Removal Solvent. The first selection was a Youtube test done by a lad who made a Story Plate, rubbed a rimfire bullet on the plate in each section he had scribed into the plate and tested 8 or 10 solvents; many of the most popular available. The first one he used was Outers Foam, the second Hoppe's Nitro 9 and so on. As I recall, he waited 2 hours and then checked to see if any of them worked and if so, how well in his first go.

As I recall, the Outers Foam and Hoppe's Nitro 9 took all the lead deposit off in the first two hours and were the best of the solvents tested. I looked around at my shop and found a bit of the Nitro 9 in one bottle and a new, un-opened bottle still in it's box. Interesting to note that the price on the box was $2.99 :). The can of Foam I have has a tube too large to fit in a .22 barrel so I must make a nipple. I cleaned my new Ratchet after shooting it 60 or 70 rounds with the Nitro 9 and it did seem to clean the barrel up quickly and well. I'll check it a bit more later today to see if my findings are correct.

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# 9 still best all around go to stuff, and I do not think that the formula has been messed with to date. EPA must have missed it so far.
I asked that question on a major airgun forum as I had an airgun that was lead fouled. They all said Goo Gone. My wife had an extra bottle in her pantry and it works.
My Grandson shot many rounds in my Winchester 333 air rifle. He shot it enough that he lodged a pellet in it. I used a brass rod to remove it. It had a lot of lead at the muzzle. The air rifle guys on the GTA forum all recommended the Goo Gone. I don't know their normal cleaning regimen. It is probably different than the RF guys.
My Grandson shot many rounds in my Winchester 333 air rifle. He shot it enough that he lodged a pellet in it. I used a brass rod to remove it. It had a lot of lead at the muzzle. The air rifle guys on the GTA forum all recommended the Goo Gone. I don't know their normal cleaning regimen. It is probably different than the RF guys.

Thanks Butch,

I did some experimenting this evening. I had two of my rifles, I thought, absolutely lead free. I tried the Goo Gone and found some lingering lead in both. Lead is hard to see and harder to remove once it gets ironed in, I have found. It IS possible to get a white patch out of a clean Rimfire barrel if one uses the right stuff :). I think most everyone would be surprised what they found in there barrel if they tried the Goo Gone.


Well I must admit I've been following this with interest. I feel pretty comfortable with how I clean both throat and barrel on my guns and I feel their performance is fine, nothing unexpected, they don't throw shots, they're very consistant. All in all if I throw a shot it usually boils down to my error or missed switch. I also routinely bore scope my barrels to check what's going on.
Anyways I figured what's the harm, maybe I'm missing something so first, before I try something different I'll talk to Gordon. We talk frequently, I value his opinion, he is always direct, and he's honest enough to tell me what he knows, what he suspects, and what he doesn't absolutely know. All in all pretty fair bargain.
While we've had this discussion before the bottom line from him, "I've never seen lead get laid down in the bore of a match grade stainless steel barrel........period"
That said I have some Goo Gone and figured since I just went trough an end of season complete clean I'd run this down a couple guns....soak up the bores.....let it sit......agitate it a bit.......and........nothing. Not a streak, not a flake, not a discoloration, nothing but wet patches.
My best guess here is that if you're getting lead upon cleaning it is because either it's from the throat which you're not properly attending to and you're pushing it all the way down the pipe or you are doing something really wrong in your overall cleaning procedure.
I just wrote a long, civil answer to this that got dumped by yahoo. I will try again later. Mebby It timed out, I don't now, but I have had issues with Yahoo the past few days.

I just wrote a long, civil answer to this that got dumped by yahoo. I will try again later. Mebby It timed out, I don't now, but I have had issues with Yahoo the past few days.

Write it in MS word, save that file then copy and paste into a forum message window. If it's going to be long it's werf it. Won the irons sight class today. Beat Greg F!
Write it in MS word, save that file then copy and paste into a forum message window. If it's going to be long it's werf it. Won the irons sight class today. Beat Greg F!

If only I could remember that :(. Congrats on the win. Did you happen to see my Lighting stands?
Goo Gone, Which One?

Went to their website and they have a number of different types. Which one did you use? Pro Power, Extreme?
