Kimber 82G trigger modification.....



Can anyone help with contact info for "nemohunter" who performs the trigger modification on the 82Gs? I have seen his sticky on RimfireCentral, but I can't figure out how to get ahold of him.
kimber 82-G mod

Sir: Perhaps I can help you. Nemo Hunter"s address is as follows-Cameron Dearborn -address is 309W Locust Bowling Green MO-63334. I am just today mailing him my trigger for my Kimber 82-G * for him to mod for me. Send a check in the amount of $85.00 . Put the trigger in a plastic bag with out the screws and small spring. Please be careful not to lose that little spring. garrisone.
Thanks for the quick response to my question. I was hoping to contact Mr. Dearborn by e-mail, PM or phone. If you can help me with that, please e-mail me at What did Mr. Dearborn tell you about turn-around time on the trigger mod? Also, are there any tricks to removing the trigger group from the action that I need to be aware of? I have the schematic in the manual and it looks pretty straight-forward. In nemohunter's sticky, he mentions replacing springs. Is he doing that for you or are you on your own in that regard? Sorry about all the questions, but I'm trying to learn as much as possible before I jump into the deep end of the pool.

BTW, I have seen several of your posts in some 82G threads. I'd like to look into having Don Stith make me a stock also, but not in wood. What can you tell me about that process? I guess I need to know how much gunsmithing is required after you get your stock from Don....inletting, pillar bedding, etc. That is probably beyond my capability, so do I need to line up someone else to finish the job? Wow, I hope I'm not wearing out my welcome with all these questions. I appreciate your indulgence and thanks again for your help.
Best regards,
Deke : you are not wearing out your welcome. Questions are what this Forum is for. Don Stith only makes wood stocks both solid and laminate. As I stated in my e-mail to you earlier I just sent the trigger to Cameron today and expect the mod to be done inside three weeks . It all depends on how much work is ahead of me. He will take his time and do it right you can count on that. I don't have his telephone number but if you will go to rimfire central forum and go to the users tab and type in Nemohunter his e-mail will come up. To remove the trigger simply remove the two screws and carefully pull the trigger away from the action. This is important( there is a small spring at the top of the trigger group -you must be careful to catch this spring. There are few to no parts available for these rifles as they are not being made any longer. Just slowly turn the screws out and look at the part of the trigger that goes into the action until you can get the trigger partly down and you should see the little spring. Nemo is replacing the springs for me in order to get the trigger down to 2 ozs. If you don't want a wood stock there are several makers that could make you a fiber glass stock Mcmillian and others but expect to pay big bucks for their work. I had a gun smith pillar bed and glass bed my stock. I would not personally attempt to do the work myself. If I can be of further assistants let me know. garrisone.
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Deke : you are not wearing out your welcome. Questions are what this Forum is for. Don Stith only makes wood stocks both solid and laminate. As I stated in my e-mail to you earlier I just sent the trigger to Cameron today and expect the mod to be done inside three weeks . It all depends on how much work is ahead of me. He will take his time and do it right you can count on that. I don't have his telephone number but if you will go to rimfire central forum and go to the users tab and type in Nemohunter his e-mail will come up. To remove the trigger simply remove the two screws and carefully pull the trigger away from the action. This is important( there is a small spring at the top of the trigger group -you must be careful to catch this spring. There are few to no parts available for these rifles as they are not being made any longer. Just slowly turn the screws out and look at the part of the trigger that goes into the action until you can get the trigger partly down and you should see the little spring. Nemo is replacing the springs for me in order to get the trigger down to 2 ozs. If you don't want a wood stock there are several makers that could make you a fiber glass stock Mcmillian and others but expect to pay big bucks for their work. I had a gun smith pillar bed and glass bed my stock. I would not personally attempt to do the work myself. If I can be of further assistants let me know. garrisone.

Garrisone, you are really helpin' me out here. I'll do as you suggest and try to drop Cameron an e-mail to solidify details....I think I'd like to get a set of the action screws he makes also. Sorry about my misstatement on the "wood" stock. I want laminate vice solid. Do I understand correctly that Don's stock is fully inletted for the Kimber 82G action, to include holes drilled for the action screws, etc....and that bedding (pillar and glass) is the only thing left. Oh, and finishing I guess. Any tips on refinishing and buttplate recommendations? Any feel for Don's turnaround time on stocks?

I'm going to bite this thing off a chunk at a time, but I'm sure I'll be back with you in the future to discuss tuners and such. I've been shooting mostly centerfire rifles, but have become intrigued with rimfire and the Kimber 82 I've been plinking with for about a year. I got the trigger down to about 1#, but I'd like to go lower to compete in informal club benchrest matches. It will shoot in the high-teens/low 2s if I do my part, but the trigger leaves a lot to be desired. And I know zip about tuners other than the big boys say you need one to be consistently competitive. If that works out, I may consider rebarreling, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Again, many thanks for leading me by the hand in this adventure.
Best regards,
After Nemo works on your trigger the instructions that came with the gun as to trigger adj NO LONGER APPLY to that trigger.

Ask Nemo for the correct adj procedures after he does his hocus pocus.
After Nemo works on your trigger the instructions that came with the gun as to trigger adj NO LONGER APPLY to that trigger.

Ask Nemo for the correct adj procedures after he does his hocus pocus.

Thanks for this bit of critical info. As a matter of fact, Nemo called me last night and he said he'd send a set of instructions with the completed job. I guess I wasn't thinking too clearly and just let that breeze by. I thought he would just reiterate what's in the Kimber user's manual. Glad to know that it's a new ball game. Thanks again. Oh, btw, it sounds like you've had it done. Happy with it?
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Mr. Garrisone your trigger is going out in Mondays mail.

Eric, let us know how this works for you. I think mine is next in line. Cameron got my trigger yesterday. Can't wait.

Since you already have your tuner and BR stock from Don, this must be the last piece of the puzzle, unless you decide to rebarrel. I guess that begs the question, is the Kimber action good enough to warrant investment in a $300 match barrel and the 'smith cost to chamber and crown? I'd be interested in your thoughts.
Deke: The only thing I am worried about at present is adjusting the trigger when it gets here. Yes I do think that the Kimber is worth investing $300.00 dollars into a match barrel. At some point I will replace the barrel with a Broughton barrel. I am concerned only with finding parts if I break something . I know the action is good and the heart of any rifle is the barrel. I will play with shooting this rifle and find out what it will do. My next project will be to build a Turbo from Flash Ebert. -Eric Garrison.
You're right, of course, first things first. I'm anxious to hear your "how to" experience adjusting your modified trigger and to get feedback from your first trip to the range with it. I'm particularly interested in the "marginal" effect of the upgraded trigger, since you've done all the things I've yet to do...tuner and BR stock. Your experience will give me good validation for pressing on with investing more money in the Kimber 82G....that many folks have said will never be competitive. Although, perhaps they mean competitive with the very expensive customs, and that's true, I'm sure. BTW, can you steer me toward a bore guide that fits the 82G?
All the best,
Eric, let us know how this works for you. I think mine is next in line. Cameron got my trigger yesterday. Can't wait.

Since you already have your tuner and BR stock from Don, this must be the last piece of the puzzle, unless you decide to rebarrel. I guess that begs the question, is the Kimber action good enough to warrant investment in a $300 match barrel and the 'smith cost to chamber and crown? I'd be interested in your thoughts.

hope so after season is over mine is getting a Broughton.
i include full contact info with every trigger as well as new adjustment instructions. they also settle in as you put rounds on them. mine has finally found it's happy place after being turned up 3 times back to 2 oz. at one point in time i think it was like .5 oz but that is TOO light. heck 2 oz aint squat.
hope so after season is over mine is getting a Broughton.
i include full contact info with every trigger as well as new adjustment instructions. they also settle in as you put rounds on them. mine has finally found it's happy place after being turned up 3 times back to 2 oz. at one point in time i think it was like .5 oz but that is TOO light. heck 2 oz aint squat

Now that's funny. Thanks for the quick turnaround on the trigger and screws, Cameron. I can't wait to find the "happy place" for my modified trigger. If it improves things as much as I expect, a tuner is next. Is a Harrells the way to go?
All the best,
Don...aka "Deke"
i use a Hoehn same tuner different name. get the blank tuner and the RVA wieght system.
i use a Hoehn same tuner different name. get the blank tuner and the RVA wieght system.

I just noticed in a separate thread that RVA is now offering his own turner kit...a new body and bloop tube w/his weight system. The reviews look good. His ad is in the Classified section and I guess he's taking orders. Thoughts?
looks like a good kit to me. should do what it's supposed to LOL. the only downside i see is if you wanted to add a J&J slide you could not do it.
looks like a good kit to me. should do what it's supposed to LOL. the only downside i see is if you wanted to add a J&J slide you could not do it.

Roger makes an adaptor so you CAN use a J and J Slider. I was one of the testers for the new tuner and I tested it with a Slider. It worked fine.