Kelbly Stock for swindlehurst----any other use ?



I bought a Kelbly stock fully inletted for a swindlehurst and when I got it the color was like on the new catalogues. a blue with swirls.
Since I wanted a blue mettallic like the spring 2005 catalogue a re-order was placed.

I need to decide what to do about the new in box stock. the action is 1.355 inches round. the bolt or screw patterns are 6 5/8 inches apart. tang screw to front action screw.


Otherwise I need to seel it before inmporting it to canada. It is fully inletted so I just need a buttplate and it is good to go. Since Kelbly's did the work it is nice indeed.

I have winchester 52 D, anschutz 64 actions, winchester 52 clone from japan in a sporter, weatherby XXII action to fit it in.

thoughts please. I do not have the stock here or I would measure up the other actions (which I am also waiting on importation).

thanks Jefferson
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Jeff, how are you? If I remember right Vic started all his actions similar to remington's and changed them where he thought they needed improving, added what he thought was missing and took the time to get it true. The measurements are a dead ringer for a short action rem 40x or 700.
Jeff, I wouldn't dump the stock because of the color, a good rifle is made up of components that work together and it doesn't always go the way you hope for. Some of the ugliest guns are shooters!
Merry Christmas.
thanks guys

I will now keep the stock

Dick is that paint job on the rifle you brought to kelblys a year or 2 ago.

nice but maybe expensive (borbon and cigars before you ask the price)
thought I had the guys card around here but cannot find it


Yes, it is the stock I took to the World Championships at Kelbly's a couple of years ago.

Brian Crawford did the paint job. I am extremely happy with it. He is here in Michigan and his phone number is 269-763-3607.

Brian has a problem with his wrist that makes him a part time stock painter at best. You need to call him and see if he feels he can do your job. He was in good shape when he did mine and I got it in just a few weeks.
yes thanks that is the guy

pretty talented.

Dick you must have chosen where to live just to be close to all the good stuff.

out here in alberta canada we are far away from most Br things. oh well that is what the inteernet and money orders are for.

thanks again jeff
Have you SEEN Dick's paint job?

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the gun is even nicer in person

but then so is Dick

the gun is far better than he deserves (just kidding)

nice stuff.

Thanks Joe...

It shoots as well as it looks. Don't all Bill Calfee's rifles? Hutch and Gage came up to shoot at my range and Larry shot a three shot group with it that measured .000"... it actually measured smaller than .223" (paper springback). Just one of those freak things.

There's some fine script just under the action on the left side of the stock. It says, "Glorya's Diamond". It's a great story best told over a nip and a puff.

If Brian ever gets able I'd like to have him paint "Fatso", my old 30 lb. Heavy Bench gun. It's incredibly accurate but I did the paint job with a spray can of flat black... it deserves much better.

Jeff's right... the Calfee gun is much better than I deserve. However, I'm going to keep it.:)
We gotta stop this...

I'm getting all nostalgic. This makes me wanta throw the Calfee rifle in the old Porsche and go up to Joe Haller's and shoot. There's a great casino to stay at with excellent food and friendly blackjack dealers. The matches are fun and well organized.

I'd go just for the drive. It's a couple of hours North thru Michigan's elk country to the Mighty Mac. Then it's a short hour thru UP swamps to the Soo. I could make it quicker but the red Porsche is like waving a red flag at the redneck cops... They regard it as prima facia evidence of sumpin.

Too bad... there's a foot of snow on the ground, it's twenty-something degrees and I don't shoot BR unless it's 50 degrees or warmer. That's 3-1/2 months away.

I hate winter.
. . . best told over a nip and a puff.

Hey Dick:

They can't ALL meet you at the Casino's Bar. Go ahead and tell the story here.
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A few years ago, at the end of the summer benchrest season. I had some money left over in my BR fund. In a moment of madness I offered to buy Her Loveliness, Mrs. Wright, the diamond she had always wanted with my remaining money. Then...

A. I found that they were shooting .22 benchrest matches at Duncan's in Bay City, MI, an hour South of here.

B. I found that I didn't have a .22 BR gun and that I needed same if I were to shoot at Duncan's all winter long. This made me melancholy.

C. I found that Mike Swartz had a Calfee rifle that he would sell me for a reasonable price so I could shoot rimfire BR. This made me very happy.

The money for Glorya's diamond immediately got re-routed to Mr. Swartz and I owned a Calfee rifle.

Glorya was fairly cool about the above but when I told her that Brian was going to paint the gun she insisted that it be identified as "Glorya's Diamond". Furthermore, should this not happen I could expect to pay for it for a very long time.

Therefore... "Glorya's Diamond".
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