Kan Pa. match recap


ER P. M.
7/11-12 Kane Fish and Game club got the delayed 2020 Eastern Region Match season started. Practice days before the event were very hot with mixed humidity and tricky wind. Saturday morning brought a 20 degree temperature change and high humidity. It was "tune as you go" for everyone.
Light varmint 100 was won by Paul Mitchell with a .2082 agg. Followed closely by Don Rosette @.2120, and Harley Baker with a .2144
After lunch conditions got even more challenging,with mixed rain. Jeff Peinhardt handled those conditions best, winning with a .2384 agg, Second place was Gary Conaway with a .2410, and .2542 earned Don Rosette third place.
After rotating benches and setting flags in steady light, wet conditions the club offered up a spaghetti dinner, and many shooters turned in early
Sunday morning brought cool and humid conditions, and once again, Jeff Peinhardt had the best results with a fine .1600 agg. for the win. Second place an upcoming Junior shooterwho also maintained a "teen agg" Galvin Peinhardt followed his dad with a .1983 agg. Third place was Pando Vasilovski at ,2134.
Afternoon brought quickly changing conditions for Light Varmint 200.Reading these conditions best was veteran shooter Howie Levy,firing a .2219 agg. Followed by Jeff Peinhardt at .2263, and in third spot was Kevin Huff with a .2359.
Rounding out the weekend pie eating contest the 2 Gun Grand results were : 1 Jeff Peinhardt
2 Don Rosette
3 Howard Levy
4 Harley Baker
5 Melvin Estep
6 Dave Bruno
7 Pando Vasilovski
8 Paul Mitchell
9 Craig Rowe
10 Kevin Donalds Jr.
11 Kevin Donalds Sr
by .0015
Despite some challenges, I believe all 39 shooters had an enjoyable start to the 2020 season. Many thanks to Steve Timpano and the whole crew at Kane Fish and Game Club for another fine match.