Jeff Gaidos Wins WWCCA.


Tim B.
Under clear and sunny skies. At Western Wayne in SE MI. 60-75° and very trickie winds.
Jeff Gaidos won the 2 Gun(Jeff's 2nd 2 gun at WW). Followed very closely by Joe Krupa.
Quote from Joe was "I lost by a bullet hole" Or he said "I missed a teen AGG. by a bullet hole". EH!
I thought it was some really good shooting. It was really tough at times...Everyone had a shot or 2 that was un-explainable(me. Train wreck).....But, spring was here in SE Michigan. Yee Haaa.
For lunch on Sat. there was sloppy Joe on a bun. Or Joe's favorite. 2 hot dogs and beans.
Sun lunch was pulled pork, Kielbasa, or hot dogs and beans. Yum. Joe's right can't beat beans and franks.....
Back to the tournament.
Don Rosette is on a roll. Coming off the Shamrock with very good results. Don is going to be hard to beat this year.
WW had a very good turn out. Some old friends stopped by. And we had a new friend show up. Lacey Tilley. Lacey jumped out the gate early Sat. LV 100 in 9th place....Wow. His 3rd Group shoot.....
Jeff Gaidos .2056
Joe Krupa .2166
Don Rosette .2446
Melvyn Newransky .2494
Dale Dillingham .2494 Guess that is a tie.
Jack Neary .2589
Stan Buchtel .2708
Ted Heindselman .2720
Jerry Jarrett .2735
Peter Smith .2826

The next WWCCA Group Tournament. There will be a Pig Roast. June 11.
Hope to see everyone there.
Tim B.
Great shooting Jeff.

Jeff shoot two teen aggregates at 100 yards on Saturday: an .1804 at LV 100 followed by a .1668 at HV 100. He converted the HV grand aggregate with a sub-.2000 at .1953.

A teen grand aggregate is one of the very rare and respectable accomplishments in this sport.

Again, great shooting. Good luck in the upcoming season.

Joe did not mention the weird mirage and wind conditions. After talking to the other retired guys. Who have the time to shoot this range 2-3 times a week. It was a very difficult weekend. We all thought we were ready.
Joe is still a working guy. Does not have the time to practice/tune etc.
After the Awards ceremony, I got to see Joe grab a broom and help clean up. For those that know, that is the sign of a true leader of Men.
Anyway. The turf was still wet and muddy.
Which we experienced, last month(score match). We were seeing the evaporation effect. It was sorta like snow mirage....BUT, I was seeing my cross hairs move with the mirage(wind). Then move back. Then move again.
Dan Grolow(hope I spelled it correct.) once told me at Holton Gun and Bow. Which used to have the worst mirage in MI. What you think you are seeing/looking at is not the case. Your brain thinks it knows where the cross hairs are. But, that is not the case. it's somewhere else.
What you see is not what is really there.
So as the winds moved and blew out the mirage................Anyway. It was a tough Tournament.
30 of the best shooters in the Mid-West and Canada had a tough time.
But, it was quite interesting to see all these guys at my home range...Under very trying conditions.
This weekend was more challenging than Kelbly's range. But, that is another opinion.
By the way. I did not know Melvyn Newransky had a bad primer and jammed bullet. Powder dump and all that. It's good to have a back up rifle.
I needed it also.
Anyway Mel still pulled out a 4th place finish.
Maybe, I should stop trying to recruit guys to Benchrest. They are kicking my butt.

Tim B.

It's all good.....