January Bridgeville, DE 600 yard Benchrest Match

Hello folks,

Richard asked me to spread the word regarding this month's match date. Bridgeville usually shoots the third Sunday of the month, but due to the IBS annual meeting that weekend, the shoot is being held on Sunday the 24th.

The match in February is on the 21st and March is the 2-day 2-match event for SOY points happening on the 19th and 20th.

Looking forward to seeing you on the line!

Hi Jerry,

Can you answer a few questions about the February match?

How many targets do you shoot? LG/HG
Registration time and expected completion of match?
Pit Duty?
Is there a link to match rules?

Eric K
What to know, shooting IBS 600 at Bridgeville, DE

Hi Jerry,

Can you answer a few questions about the February match?

How many targets do you shoot? LG/HG
Registration time and expected completion of match?
Pit Duty?
Is there a link to match rules?

Eric K

Hi Eric,

1.) We shoot 4 targets each for Light and Heavy. Five shots for record in all classes in IBS 600 yard benchrest.
2.) Registration starts at 8:00 am. Set up the wind flags. Match starts at 10:00 am.
3.) The pits are worked by local folks. They do a good job!
4.) The course of fire is the same for all classes. You are given 6 minutes for unlimited sighters before your first target in each class. For targets 2 thru 4, you have 2 minutes of unlimited sighters. After the sight-in period, a cease fire is called and they'll run up the record targets. You have 10 minutes to shoot 5 shots for record.
5.) No loaded rounds on or in the gun, except between the commands of commence fire and cease fire.
6.) The match is usually over around 2:30 pm. We collect wind flags and stow equipment and next comes the best part......the Bridgeville folks feed us!!! Get a belly full and awards are given out.

If you are shooting 2 guns, bring 40 rounds for each. If you're just shooting your Light gun in Light and Heavy, 70 rounds will get you through the day. Lotta shootin' eh?

Hi Jerry,

I have 5 Graham wind flags and will bring them with me. It looks like a fun day of shooting.
