Jaco Instructions ?


New member
I just picked up a Jaco neck turning tool. I am a real fan of older equipment and would really love to be able to find a set of original instructions that came with those units when they were being sold. Any help with my quest would be GREATLY appreciated...........Thank You

Best Regards
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I purchased a Jaco neck turner at a Shilen swap meet 5 or 6 years ago. At the time I was not well versed in the nuances of neck turning and bought only one of the of the two turners. I did not realize that they had probably been set for first and second cut. Tonight I found an envelope that contains two pages of original instructions for the JACO turner. I got it from Dickie Pustejovsky in Huntsville Tx. The pages are a 2nd or 3rd generation copy of typewriter text so I don't know how legible they would fax. Let me know how I can help.
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I found Dickies # over on the NBRSA site as a Gulf Coast Region contact. I am going to give it a call later today and see what he might have......I will get back with you.......Thank's
