It's Over



The 2014 United States National Air Rifle Benchrest Championship is winding down. The facilities are great and the organizing team ran a first class event, an A+ event.

No, it was not perfect but a few lessons learned will smooth out any rough edges.

Yes, it was hot but the humidity was so low, just don't forget the sunscreen.

5 classes over 2 days, a very ambitious schedule. So many shooters but 40 benches makes short work of the crowd. Special thanks should go to the guys that ran the line, clear instructions, always on top of the time, patient and most of all, safe.

Shooters from all over and so friendly, helpful, generous, true sportsmen and women, almost makes me want to completely abandon the forums and the pettiness of XXXXXXX who love to hear themselves talk.

I wish all the shooters and their families safe passage home and thank you. You have given me an experience that was special and rewarding, it is why we continue to do this.
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Hi there, i know how hard it is to run an event with over 80 shooters so wont get into any critisisims pr judgements.

Can i ask where I can see the results as that part interests me and I am keen to see who won what and shooting what equipment etc ?
I had such an amazing time this weekend, very professional, and like it was mentioned, very clear instructions on safety, where to be at what time. Plenty of opportunity to practice, which I needed being my second benchrest competition ever. Shooting in the wind is a whole new ballgame....I need flags lol

Kudos to everyone involved, hope it will grow, and become a annual championship.


The guy with home made equipment...
Awesome shooting! Congradulation to the people who won or placed. You all did a great job. I had so much fun and learned a lot, meet some great people in person and ate way to much. Benchrest puts a number on accuracy and shooting skills. Its humbeling to think you can "stack pellets", "one hole groups" and then show up to see what real accuracy is. Its like starting from scratch. Again, congrats to those who placed well.

When and where will the results be available?