Here's a liberal's concept!
1. Stop spending money policing the world! Attack the underlying causes for terrorism instead of trying to police the globe and causing even more terrorism and danger to the U.S.
2. Balance the budget! If it is worth occupying Iraq than have our taxes raised to pay for it instead of putting it on a credit card as is done now.
3. Federal and State financing of all campaigns with a law that says take a dime from special interests while holding or running for public office and you go to prison. Take the legal bribes out of politics so officials can vote their conscience for a change! A bag of money is not free speech! Talk about twisting the Constitution. Speech in word or print is free speech! A bribe to a government official is not free speech!
4. Create a Universal Medicare type health care program and a Social Security Retirement System and tell the American public they have to pay for it and make it solvent and let them make the choice like "big people" instead of trying to scare them away from it! Facts rather then scare tactics say it can be done!!
I think I'm wasting my typing!
You never rest your case when there is something negative to be said about teachers, unions, liberals and the list goes on and on!I rest my case!!
The democrats took majority of the house and senate in january of 2007. How do you get 4 years out of that?
The U.S. has the best health care and most foreigners come here to use it if they have the money.