Is There Any Real Reason To Post?



With the rash of threads deleted, either by the OP's, by the moderators, it seems like anything you say is pretty short lived on BRC.

The very few threads deleted by moderators are really not a big deal. Not that I understand why sometimes, but hey, if that's the way they feel I'm fine with that. Clearly I have no idea what the criteria are, because threads I think are just fine, disappear, and others that seem like they've outlived their usefulness (to me) stay.

But the ones that bother me are, where a person posts a question, people answer, and then the thread gets deleted. Wth? It's pretty sad that all that time was spent by folks, many times offering very good info (maybe mixed with bad), and now, it's gone forever. Even if someone does ask again, rarely will someone go and repost what they already said.

Does this bother anyone else? (not to say I'm really upset or anything, it's just stupid imo).

PS. If you post here, this thread will NOT be deleted by the Op.
I think you have a valid point here. Re: the recent posting about beer. Some of it was deleted some not? Seems to me that some of the super moderators or whatever they are called are exercising a bit more "authority" than is necessary. We are all grown people and can understand what most people are trying to say. Sometimes it gits a bit off track,.....but what the hey........This is the general discussion. Anything should go...

This websight is VERY liberal in allowing most threads to remain, even when harsh words are exchanged. I never did read the "beer" thread, but remember the topic being posted. Frankly, I was surprised to learn later that it was deleted. In the number of years that I have been a member here, I have never known a thread to be deleted. (except the rare thread that expressed an extreme political or social my thread last week concerning the TSA X-ray screening. LOL. Hey....I'm reasonable and know when I cross the line!)

You want to talk censorship? Go to "The High Road"!!!!! Look up and down ANY of the forums there, and I guarantee that you will see a multitude of locked threads. What a bunch of little dictators there. Interfering with many of the threads there for absolutely no good reason must be the only pleasure and sense of power that those mods feel they can derive while being plagued with an undersized penis. Don't laugh, Adolf Hitler was said to have such a defect. What a coincidence that they all share the same common malady there.

Nope...I've been to MANY different sights, and I can tell you that this place is very fair.
nahhhh, it's still OK to post.

Just keep it between the lines like Good Little People




Lord Forbid!


No Patrick Henry's here please!

With the rash of threads deleted, either by the OP's, by the moderators, it seems like anything you say is pretty short lived on BRC.

But the ones that bother me are, where a person posts a question, people answer, and then the thread gets deleted. Wth? It's pretty sad that all that time was spent by folks, many times offering very good info (maybe mixed with bad), and now, it's gone forever. Even if someone does ask again, rarely will someone go and repost what they already said.

Does this bother anyone else? (not to say I'm really upset or anything, it's just stupid imo).

PS. If you post here, this thread will NOT be deleted by the Op.

4mesh, I feel that is one reason this forum has dropped off greatly in participation by active benchrest shooters. It seems, though, that if the subject is beer and the SM is a beer drinker the post stays.... Strange!!
With the rash of threads deleted, either by the OP's, by the moderators, it seems like anything you say is pretty short lived on BRC.

The very few threads deleted by moderators are really not a big deal. Not that I understand why sometimes, but hey, if that's the way they feel I'm fine with that. Clearly I have no idea what the criteria are, because threads I think are just fine, disappear, and others that seem like they've outlived their usefulness (to me) stay.

But the ones that bother me are, where a person posts a question, people answer, and then the thread gets deleted. Wth? It's pretty sad that all that time was spent by folks, many times offering very good info (maybe mixed with bad), and now, it's gone forever. Even if someone does ask again, rarely will someone go and repost what they already said.

Does this bother anyone else? (not to say I'm really upset or anything, it's just stupid imo).

PS. If you post here, this thread will NOT be deleted by the Op.

It bothers me too 4mesh.

The ability for the starter of a thread to delete it can be a good thing and it is OK that a writer of a post can change his mind and edit or delete what they say. We all misspeak sometimes.

It also bothers me quite a bit that the same people will wipe off a whole thread that they start after a few days and many posts. This happens over and over. Just go down the threads and you will see the same names deleting threads over and over. What a waist!

For a thread to be deleted by a moderator it has to be real bad. Believe it or not, most of the posters here are square shooters.

Concho Bill
If you post on the moderator there modifies or deletes most of your threads especially if your talking about his favorite sanctioning body.He then aqsks why your not posting anymore.
I have deleted several of my threads when they have strayed to far from the subject at hand to be useful.I am aware of certain posts we were both posting in one of which Wilbur deleted for being down right personal that in my opinion only scratched the surface of what was going on.I don't think the whole truth will ever be allowed to be posted on that particular subject.
I will send you a PM when I get home today so you here the rest of thde story unembellished.
Lynn aka Waterboy
Is there a point? Mostly, but the site has never been sufficiently moderated backed by a clear and simple code of conduct; on the internet, it really is too much to expect 100% civil behavior from every participant. That simply reflects personalities, and generally the worst behavior comes from two sources, those with no patience or out right trolls. Some of those folks with no patience post from different points of reference; some are tired of the same old questions, some are tired of really fundamental questions that reflect a lack of the most basic research, some think everyone should go through the same school of hard knocks they endured, some are not going to give up their secrets, and plenty are just plain assholes both here and in Real Life.

I was partly responsible for a thread that was deleted yesterday. I edited my marginal personal attack and put the whole thing behind me. I don't know what happened after that. What I should have done in that thread was make one post and let the person I responded to remain willfully ignorant. The other person was simply trolling my comments, I suspect because he has a bug up his ass about The Universal Incompetence of Engineers. There was no point arguing with either one of them, there's generally no need to highlight the types, they do it well all alone.

I joined this site in the early 2000's because I became interested in competitve shooting, although not necessarily benchrest shooting even though I belong to a large club with a great deal of benchrest activity. I'm always interested in learning new things that that cross over into other shooting. My low post count here is mostly due to the poor control of the various forums under the old format, but I've been reading more recently due to my interest in rimfire benchrest and gunsmithing. But just take a look at the current content of the Rimfire forum, there's almost no reason to even check recent threads there right now, and there's no sign that it will get any better.

Anyway, when I have something within my expertise or experience to post, I will. Mostly I'll watch, and learn.
Increasingly, many don't have the common courtesy to even acknowledge that you've responded to them.

So increasingly, I don't respond. Seems fair enough.

The big 'Bullet Making' thread that ended up being deleted is another sore subject, for me. Many people put hours of work into that thread...posting pictures, responding, sharing info, etc. It was, by all accounts, on it's way to being one of the best threads ever on BRC.

Then someones panties got wadded up and the whole thread ended up deleted.

If someone wants to take their ball and play somewhere else..that's fine. But at least show respect for the time and effort put into a thread by others before throwing a tantrum and dumping the entire thread.

'Nuff said...........

"I won't tolerate rudeness in a man." -Capt. Woodrow Call in 'Lonesome Dove'

Actually the title of this forum is

General Discussion
Firearms topics not related to Benchrest
Dick, I'm not trying to bust on the mods here cause imo, I think they do pretty good. But, add the mods occasional delete to the increasingly routine user deletes, and good gawd, everything gets deleted. I'm on the same page as some of the guys here who get upset when an entire thread just goes poof. Look in the gunsmithing and read that thread Al just wrote up. Holy smokes! There's a lot of very well prepared information for anyone who wants to see it. Now, if Al had posted that as a reply to someone else's question, there's a damn good chance it would be gone forever. Or, conversely, if Al was to have someone come dispute the topic, he "could" get upset about it and delete it himself, even though we all know that's not Al. Still, above there's the discussion of the bullet making thread, and well, can someone link me to that now?

I don't disagree with the deleting by mods, though, really, the beer thread could have gone under the radar. Whatever, that's not the reason for my post here.

As for anonymity, my personal opinion is, I can see no difference. If a guys name is John Doe, does it matter if it's Striper, or John Doe, considering you'll probably never get within 2000 miles of meeting them anyhow? To each their own.
Increasingly, many don't have the common courtesy to even acknowledge that you've responded to them.
When there are many responses, it's pretty time consuming to answer every one so I don't give this much thought.

The big 'Bullet Making' thread that ended up being deleted is another sore subject, for me. Many people put hours of work into that thread...posting pictures, responding, sharing info, etc. It was, by all accounts, on it's way to being one of the best threads ever on BRC.

Then someones panties got wadded up and the whole thread ended up deleted.

If someone wants to take their ball and play somewhere else..that's fine. But at least show respect for the time and effort put into a thread by others before throwing a tantrum and dumping the entire thread.
This is more what I'm talking about.
There are a heck of a lot of posts by people that don't shoot and so they don't carry as much credence. One other reason, and this one you violate 4Mesh, is that some of us like to know who we are talking about. An answer from a known real person carries more weigh and is read more than one by an anonymous poster. Don't delete this thread but that's how I feel about that.

My name is Phil Bower and if you look at my posts my location is shown there, I'm in PA. Williamsport to be more precise (if you care). As an aside, YOUR profile does not show a location, and your handle could easily be as close to your name as my handle is to mine. I don't mind either way, and I have read plenty of your posts not needing to have met you personally in order to take good information from them. I seriously doubt that knowing my my name is going to change your opinion of what I say, and believe me I'm fine with that. Again, to each their own.

I've met ton's of people on this forum personally, and those I have not I think no less of because of it. I agree to a small degree that knowing the source of a piece of information makes it easier to swallow. But, by the same token, I generally read what is written and form my own opinions based upon the information making sense to me or not.

AeroE, I don't know how many were responsible for that thread being deleted. It says I posted there twice as well, but I tried to be either informative or humorous (or both). Methinks folks hides are not very thick round these parts! There was good information in that thread as well and I offered some of it. I was proud of myself. I simply ignored the person who kept asking me to re-type what I'd already said in pretty plain English.
Is There Any Real Reason To Post?

Yes...because I can't get through a day where I don't learn something from the postings on these forums...and I appreciate it. I'm sure there are others who feel the same way.

As I am the yahoo who started the "beer thread" which seemed to be the catalyst for kicking off this controversy, I would hate to think that it was a root cause for losing knowledgeable members and postings on these forums. And while I understand there are other issues in play here, the beer thread deletion is certainly not worthy of a personal crusade by anybody.

While pretty harmless, the beer thread was admittedly off-topic. I have no issue with whomever removed it, and apologize to Wilbur and the moderators if it has caused them any undue grief.

No need to be sorry, I was just ribb'n on ya.

At some point I also expect to make a foray into short range br. I've shot a little bit and had a great time at it. Here in PA it's like being in the hotbed of pb-br. I think someone said I have like 11 ranges within a 2 hour drive from my home. So what did I shoot? Long range br of course! No sense shooting what's available. Even when I did shoot that little bit of short range with some friends, it was about as far as I could go and still be in PA. Funny cause the friend had a range 10 miles from his house, (20 from mine).

Zebra13, the beer thread really wasn't what prompted this, it just happened to be a recent example and it seems some thought it was overreacting. That's neither here nor there to me. I just think it's a shame so much good information must go with the bad, and that users have the ability to delete a thread with so much contributed info in it. Not saying that taking that ability away would be a good thing, but, I have seen it abused pretty severely.
Reading this thread tends to make me believe that "Cabin Fever" has arrived early this year. Being from Louisiana, our "season" starts a little later.

Although, I have been miffed by the deletion of some threads, I still appreciate this forum and the work done by Wilbur and the moderators. Good shooting....James
As a recent Thread Deletor (Action Material) my reasons are these, 1) No new info on original subject, 2) Turned into a PSSN Match between a couple posters. I understand the need to have and be able to verify the facts/info as given by a poster , but I believe this was getting personal .
Roger T......

As a recent Thread Deletor (Action Material) my reasons are these, 1) No new info on original subject, 2) Turned into a PSSN Match between a couple posters. I understand the need to have and be able to verify the facts/info as given by a poster , but I believe this was getting personal .

I had not been able to check on that thread for a couple of days. When I went to find it, and could not, I was tore up. You had some fascinating info in there that I simply did not know about. I was trying to figure out different possibilities and applications for it. I am sorry that the thread went south and you felt that you had to delete it. If you can find a way to post that valuable info again, I for one, would greatly appreciate it!

404tbang , I'll give it a try.......Aaaaaah no luck. Unless a Moderator can help with it.
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