Is there a thread with "Jay, Idaho"s tool to do lug cam's?


New member
I have found threads that talk about it being a good designed tool but have come up empty in my search. It looks like he has not posted for a few years.

Jay, Idaho

Sorry to hear bad news but I was told he has passed away. Here is a link to some tools used to get the job done though

You are correct, good friend Jay Idaho passed away May 26, 2010. Jay was only 68 years old, but he touched many a soul in his time. He was a splendid man and a real thinker........nothing could keep him from finding a solution.....he always accepted it as a challenge. Jay was trained as a tool and die maker, and spent his years applying his trade in Detroit, as well as many other places, and even did a stint in the Middle East training the locals there on the maintenance and machining of jet aircraft that the US had supplied. Jay and I met when we shot together at the Montana 1000 yard shoots..............he was the one that I always looked forward to sharing time with. Jay was quite a guy, and I miss his company very much. In the beginning, he would come off as a "country bumpkin", but it didn't take long to see that he was a very intelligent and talented man.