IS there a standard load for a 6BR 105gr bullet?


Active member
I am planning on shooting my new 6BR for the 600 yard shoot on the 13th of this month. I dont really know if i will be able to get out and shoot any before the match. It seems to me i read that 30gr of varget with a 105vld is a pretty good starting point. Any truth to that? What about RE15, would that be a better choice to start with? Thanks fellas as always!! Lee
Just got back from the range. This load shot pretty good but i feel like it was way to slow. average reading was 2780. My little chrony isnt the best and the sun was shinning so i am not real sure if i should believe that. It was pretty consistent though??? Thanks Lee

That's a good start for a straight BR- a dasher takes a bit more.
My 6BR with a 29" Broughton 5C barrel chrono's at just under 2900 fps with 30grs of Varget under a Berger 105 VLD ( it's preferred load ) , so maybe your chrono is off a little or you have a slow barrel.
Wayne aka WAMBO
My 6BR

gets 3000+ with 108 bergers in front of 31.1 gr of 8208XBR and Wolf SR primers. I got 3050 with 107 Sierras and the same load. I would think I can between 3050 and 3075 with the 105s. I have a 32 inch Broughton 1 in 8 twist barrel.

Most of these sound hot for standard 6mmBR. 2780 to 2820 is right on the money. Get your velocity then find optimum seating depth.

Like some other said, our velocities sound par for a 6BR. The most I have ever got was 2900 with RL15, I am away from home right now, can't get the load. DON"T WORRY ABOUT YOUR SPEED, if it shoots. Long range is not about speed. I have shot a 6BR for years, and never got speeds that some say they are getting. The only thing to worry about speed, is your ES. I like 20 or less, for long range.

Mark Schronce
thanks fellas i really appreciate all of you!! I am going to do some more testing today. I will report! Thanks again! Lee

PS My barrel is a 1.250 straight 28" Krieger 4 groove

one other thing i would like to know, is if primer choice is critical? I am using fed match, but from what i see and read it would seem cci 450 is standard. I dont have any issues with the fed primers in my p-1000 action as far as piercing or anything like that. I will try some 450's today and see what that does.
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I agree with Mark and Greg the most I ever got in a straight 6 BR with 30 grs of Varget with a 105 gr. Berger was 2840 and the norm was 2780 using a 27" to 28" barrel. Don't get all caught up in geting the fastest just go for the smallest group. The biggest reason CCi 450 primers are used is to prevent pierced primers but if your rifle doesn't pierce or crater a Fed 205GM stay with it if you liking what you are seeing. Don't change anything if you get good results and if you don't just change one thing at a time. FWIW


Like Rodney said use the Fed's if they will not crater. I used Fed's in Bat 6BRX and my Stiller Diamondback 6BR, but use CCI BR4 in my Hall action due to cratering. I have never had any luck with the CCI 450 in all my br's.

Mark Schronce
Here is some testing done by Jackie Schmidt using a Oehler 35 chronograph and Berger 105's

Jackie Schmidt Rail Gun Project
« Reply #5 on: 09:00 AM, 01/15/06 »Reply Quote 1/15/2006 Report:
Jackie just finished up at the range, concentrating mostly on the Berger 105 VLDs today.

With the throat on our barrel right now, the Berger 105 VLDs seemed to be in a good position in the neck. Jackie said five-shot 200-yard groups were in the mid to high threes,i.e .35"-.4" actual measurement). He ended up with a sequential 5-group, 25-shot agg of .195 MOA at 200 yards. The Bergers liked RL15 the best, with CCI BR4 primers, loaded about .012-.015" into the lands. Vel = 2990+ fps.

This is real-world range performance, with a bit of wind to mix things up.

We are probably going to extend the throat about .030" to see if we can improve performance with the 107 SMKs.

Some interesting points:

1. The Lapua 105s have a diameter .0005" smaller than the Bergers, and may require a barrel with a tighter bore diameter for optimal performance. Our barrel has .237 lands, but the groove diameter is right at .243. A .2425 might work better with the Lapuas.

2. The CCI BR4s and CCI 450,sm. rifle magnums) chron'ed the same with RL 15.

3. Jackie got his best accuracy with the 105 Berger VLDs at 2980+ fps. His cases are on 9-12 reloadings now and Jackie says the primer pockets are still tight.

4. With RL 15, ES was running 10-14 fps, with SD 3-5 fps,This is across multiple strings of 5 shots PLUS sighters--usually 7-9 shots total). This is with turned necks but NO work on primer pockets or flashholes.


Its hard to win a 600 yard match at 200................:D
If you look at Jackies whole test which is still on the forums he was using a 33 inch Krieger barrel and getting best accuracy at 2990 fps.If you shorten the barrel 3 inches you lose about 21 fps.

My pet load since 2000 has been 2970 fps using Varget and the CCI 450 magnum primers.I have used Lilja,Shilen,Broughton,Hart,Krieger,Brux and now Bartlein barrels and so has my father.We have never had a problem getting 2970 fps in any of them.I have given away atleast a half dozen of them and except for one that got turned into a pistol those that have written me back seem to be getting the same results.
If you can only get 2850 fps out of a 6BR I would use a different chronograph to make sure yours is working correctly.Alot of shooters like the light load at 30.0-30.6 grains of Varget or 2800-2850 fps but if you can't get more your reamer doesn't have enough freebore or your chronograph is suspect.
No Sweat..........

:D I shoot with a bunch of guys that win just about everything there is to win in 600 yard BR........... Sam Hall, Mike Davis, Rodney Wagner, Larry Isenhour & Mark Schronce everyone of these guys can win a match and they all happen to show up at Piedmont and Oak Ridge. I'm not worried about my chronograph, reamer or something over on 6mmbr.
My post was a general post and not aimed at any one shooter in particular.It seemed like Lee was thinking his load might be a little on the light side so I posted what Jackie Schmidt posted HERE and on another website over 4 years ago.His data and mine are very similar.
As a side note the smallest 5 shot lightgun group ever fired at 600 yards was done using Varget and CCI 450 primers so some of us out here are doing okay with that combination as well.I would hate to think how good our groups would be if we switched.:eek: