IR5050 Mid-Atlantic Regionals- Sporter & Unlimited


Next weekend (29th & 30th) Black Creek Range will host the IR5050 Sporter Mid-Atlantic Regionals and the Unlimited Mid-Atlantic Regionals. The weather looks good for the last weekend of List Season!

Saturday we will shoot Yards for both Sporter and Unlimited. Sporter will start at 9:00 and should finish around 11:00. We will take a short break for lunch and protests and then Unlimited will start. Sunday will be Meters and the schedule will be the same. Food will not be served but there is a convenience store just a few minutes down the road that serves limited hot food.

At the scorers' table will be Miss Vicki, the best scorer out there, so I expect the protests will be quick and easy.

Black Creek is a premier range and if you haven't shot here yet come enjoy fine Fall weather and a great shooting experience. More parking and cleaning benches are available here than any range I've been to. If you need directions the IR5050 site has info under the "Ranges" section.

If you need any info feel free to PM me.

Bruce Hornstein