IR50/50 Nationals Week


This week's schedule for IR50/50 at Kettlefoot:

Tues. 6:00PM Unlimited SOTY/List Money Match

Fri. 6:00PM 3-Gun SOTY/ List Money Match

Sat. 9:00AM Sporter Nationals Yards followed by 3-Gun Nationals Yards

Sun. 8:00AM Sporter Nationals Meters followed by 3-Gun Nationals Meters

The yearly Meeting will occur after the Sporter Nationals on Sat. We have several things to discuss for the coming year. A lot of shooters have contacted us and are planning on shooting. We are hoping for a good crowd this year.

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Schedule Change?

Wayne, the schedule on the 50/50 site shows Sat. as Sporter yards followed by 3 gun yards.
Sun. Sporter & 3 gun meters.
Has there been a change?

Thanks for the clarification Wayne. Its what I'd hoped to hear as I didn't really want to shoot all 6 sporter cards on the same day.
Hopefully moving the Nats up a couple weeks will bode well attendance wise.
Hoping to get down there Friday before the match. Will the range be open before it?
See you then,
Well, I guess no one showed up. The Nat's where this passed week in where they not.
Good Crowd, Cool Weather

Sporter Champion Bob Hill and 3-Gun Champion Tony Harper. Full results will go up on the website shortly.
Way to go Bobby! You did your dad, and the rest of us mere mortals, proud.

So Proud!

I couldn't be happier for you Bob! I know how hard you worked. A great accomplishment. It's good to see Penny's old gun still "has it".

Congratulations to all the other "winners and griners"! :D

Congrats Bob on a new World record...

No one has mentioned that while winning Bob shot a potential World Record for Sporter Yards and Meters 6Gun Agg at the Nationals.

I just heard that his record has indeed been certified and it is now official.

Congratulations on some great shooting Bob!

You left the rest of us behind.

Bravo, Bob! What a record you have set!

I hope you hang on to that record for a long, long will be hard to beat! That kind of concentration just isn't possible for have mastered the sport! Penny