IR50/50 Hall of Fame


Hall of Fame Points are up on the IR50/50 Website. Congratulations to the 6 New Gold HOF Winners.
Ed Hosier
Mac See
Mike Poole
William Colbert
Barry Harris
Joe Robinson
If you have not contacted me already with your Jacket size and how you want your name on the Jacket, Please do so as soon as possible. I will have them made and present them at the National at Piney Hill in Feb.

The website has also been up dated. Please check and see if there are any errors in your data. The results will be finalized and changes will not be made after Feb.1, 2018.

Additional congrats to

Keith Royal for the Silver level. Steve Page and Dave Strate for achieving the Bronze level. Way to get er done.

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Mind Boggling

In looking down the list I noticed 3 that really stood out at compiling HOF points.
Bruce Hornstien , whom was already in, amassed an incredible 120 HOF points!!!
Mac, whom was mentioned, an equally incredible 93.5 HOF points!!
And Ed, who was mentioned, amassed an impressive 80 HOF points!!
That is absolutely outstanding shooting by all the gentlemen! There is a huge commitment in time & resources to do that. All excelled!
And its mind boggling to me that they were able to do it given the competition they were up against. Just incredible!


edit; just noticed TKH got 84.5 HOF points! Didn't mean to leave him out. I guess I just figured he was gonna get his!
Anyhow, nice shooting by you all!
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