IR50/50 Hall of Fame


Year end and New Year has came upon us quickly, and things are starting to roll out. first of all is that the Hall of Fame points have been calculated and awarded, so anyone receiving Hall of Fame points needs to get on the IR50/50 website and make sure you received the correct points as they will be locked at the end of the month until next year. As it stand now it appears there are four new entries into the gold Hall of Fame, 6 into silver , and 10 into bronze. Those new entries are:

Gold - Keith Royal, George Donovan, Jason Frymier, Dexter Bumgarner, and Chuck Morrell

Silver- Terry Wilcox, Tim Miller, Travis Beste, Daniel Smith, John Benyo, and Pete Wass

Bronze - Jim Pherson, Wayne Wills, Kenny Jones, Harvey Reese, Sherman White, Jim Jones, Jeff Cale, Patricia Stuckey, Rich Hartnett, and Jack Szymaszek.

Congratulations to all the above shooter on thier advancement in the Hall of Fame! Also congratulations to Tony Harper for his 288.5 point year passing Harry Deneen!

Any of the above shooters feel free to contact me and I will make sure to get ou the appropriate pin for your level of Hall of Fame! or 304-266-0081.

Hope everyone has a great 2019 season and see everyone soon!

Also match directors if you don’t get an email from me by January 10, 2019 with information on sanctioning and rules, please email me so I have the correct email address. Also trying to make changes to keep everyone updated better via the website so check it out also and on Facebook!