Ir 50/50


Was there any special reason to have the IR 50/50 Natl's the week end after the ARA Natl's , thats going to make for a lot of driving.
Was there any special reason to have the IR 50/50 Natl's the week end after the ARA Natl's , thats going to make for a lot of driving.

Which IR5050 Nats are you talking about? There are 3 of them on the 2017 Calendar (1 Indoor and 2 Outdoor).

I don't see any Nationals on the ARA calendar for 2017.
Which IR5050 Nats are you talking about? There are 3 of them on the 2017 Calendar (1 Indoor and 2 Outdoor).

I don't see any Nationals on the ARA calendar for 2017.

The IR 50/50 Sporter Nats scheduled on the Sept 9th, and three gun to follow on the 10th. The PSL/PSL shoot off will be on the Sept 1, with the ARA Nats following 2-3 Sept.

The ARA Nats has always been the first weekend of Sept. I don't know why it is not on the schedule.

It would be really helpful to move the IR 50/50 Nats, both Sporter and Three gun, to the 16th or 23rd, even the 30th/1st would work.

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Wasn't it

Always the last weekend of September so the match directors could plan their schedules?
I remember the meeting at the Nationals it was stated it would be the 23rd and 24th and some how the
UL Nationals were going to be included??

I know for the first decade or so of IR 50/50 it was always the last weekend in September. But, that was way back when the Cook's were running things. Things seemed to go a bit off track since, so who knows what the thoughtline is now.

Another thing: back then no sanctioned matches could be held on the weekend of the Nationals to allow any shooter wanting to be there so as not to have any conflict with their Club level SOTY points.

Guess a few MD's are going to have to jump through a few hoops rethinking their schedules if the 9th and 10th holds.

Good luck?

Our thoughts last Sept were to have one Nationals the last weekend in Sept. Due to unforeseen circumstances we have decided to try the format we have posted. We are hoping to get the Nats in during better weather and include the Team Match in July.
Well, something had to change in hopes of getting better attendance at the Nationals. I think we'd all agree on that. While I too would prefer it later in the month, I'll say lets give it a shot & see if it helps. If not, then well... it is what it is.
Thanks Wayne for mixing it up a bit.


In my opinion, the one thing that would help the most to increase attendance would be to go back to not allowing ranges to schedule SOTY matches on the weekend of the Nationals, and once a weekend has been settled on, keeping it there every year so ranges will know well in advance on when not to schedule matches along with giving shooters who have to travel a chance at scheduling their vacations accordingly. But, what do I know?

Good luck with this one.

Well...if you just allowed the nationals on a particular weekend you would have X number of competitors. If you allowed any match you would have Y number of competitors on the same weekend. Y will always be greater than X.
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Nationals issues

First, contrary to what some may think I have no bearing on scheduling matches anywhere but Black Creek and Piney Hill. Wayne Wills schedules all matches at Kettlefoot and does a lot of juggling to make that happen.

From my count a grand total of two shooters from last year's ARA Nationals also came to shoot the IR5050 3Gun Nationals 3 weeks later. Hardly a reason not to change it or think that the two have anything to do with each other. The turnout for 3Gun has been disappointing and, like Keith Royal said, let's try something else to see if that works better.

When I took over the matches at Piney Hill the Unlimited Nationals had been moved to mid-December to accommodate a few shooters that complained about a conflict with deer season in early November. I moved it back to early November and the attendance went from 40 to 69. This year we had 62- another strong showing. You can't please all shooters and sometimes people just need to make a choice.

Moving things around and shaking them up sometimes works better. Sometimes not. If it doesn't work this year Wayne might move it again.

Dave, if you read the IR505 Rulebook the blackout for all Ranges on any Nationals weekend is still in effect. I believe Wayne has granted ranges on the West Coast exceptions for obvious reasons. I know it's easier to talk about "how good it used to be" but complaining about something that's actually true would help your cause.

Bruce Hornstein
So I'm bored this morning & poked around on the 50/50 site. Looks like about 90 shooters +/- shoot 6 matches per year. Not too bad really. I suspect those that shoot only 6 or less matches are club shooters that don't travel.
So going by that lets say 10 matches shows you're willing to travel ok? There are roughly 50 with 10 or more matches 55 I'll say, but because its early & the math is easier, we'll use 50.
26 shooters shot the 3-gun yards this year so 52% of the shooters showed up if I looking at it correctly. Not too bad really.
23 for the sporter yards event so 46%. Again not too bad.
A guy once told me that if you can get 10% of members to participate in an organization than you're doing pretty good. We were talking about F&G clubs, rotary clubs & the like but still, IR50 is an organization.
Don't know what this all says but to my eye maybe we're not as bad as we make it out to be?? Maybe I'm an optimist?
Or maybe its just early? :)


EDIT!!!!!! Actually there were only 17 shooters who shot 10 matches or more in the Sporter Match List.
We Did Great for attendance at the Sporrter Nationals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About 130%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't know if there is a good answer to this

Other shooting Orgs allow clubs to bid on holding the Nationals, moving it around the country. This allows some folks who could not otherwise attend a Nationals to be there. In my case, I have tired of traveling long distances to events. I have driven as far as Northwestern Iowa and flown to California to attend a Nationals so It isn't that I haven't been there and done that. For me, the investment in time and resources isn't worth doing any more. Many of us shooting do not have long time horizons and have other things pulling at us in our Bucket Lists. There is only so much time and so much money for many of us as well. The problem of some of the shooting sports is the lack of young people involved, we know this but it really gets down to cost I think. Traveling today is double what it was a decade ago I am thinking.

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