Ir 50/50 10 shot


Well-known member
IR 50/50 10 Shot.

IR 50/50 10 Shot has been around about three years now but it is not well known. The purpose of this post is to draw attention to this game and explain how it differs from other rimfire shooting games.

Complete rules for 10 Shot is contained in the IR 50/50 rule book available on the IR50/ website.

Rimfire Benchrest (RFBR) has been around for awhile. It was invented to appeal to the accuracy crowd. What has happened since its introduction has been to separate the rimfire plinkers from benchrest high accuracy competition shooters.
In the early days NBRSA held rimfire benchrest matches for group shooting. These matches were hard to put on because of the requirement a moving backer.
They were fun but did not draw a big crowd.

Rimfire benchrest shooting did not come into its own until Larry Brown invented BR 50. This game required 50 shots at record individual targets in 30 minutes.
BR 50 had rules, some good some bad, but the game became very popular. But not near as popular as the plinker type of games. It takes a certain type of individual to shoot benchrest rimfire or center fire.

Larry Brown advertised BR 50 as the MEANEST GAME IN TOWN. and mean it was. Being mean drew it's own audience as small as it may be.
BR 50 was the first game that had worst edge scoring. Meaning, your bullet had to be completely inside the ring to receive the higher score. Breaking the line was scored at the lower value.

This was not the only mean rule. Another was the weight requirements. Rifles weighting under a certain weight received bonus points, heavier guns were penalized points.
You could shoot the highest score and still lose the match depending on the weight of your rifle. When you shoot the highest score and still lose that is mean.

BR 50 died for many reasons. The point I am making is that BR 50 appealed to many shooters because it was a hard, mean game, not because it was easy.

ARA was born out of the ashes of BR 50. The target was redesigned to include 25 scoring bulls and the time requirement was changed to 20 minutes.
Almost all other rules were deleted. This allowed any rifle, any scope, and any rest. These changes have made ARA successful.
ARA has put together a formula that allows shooters to use whatever equipment they can dream up.

One of the best parts of attending the ARA Nationals was walking down the range and looking at all the different rifles and rest shooters had designed and built.
You would go home with all kinds of new ideas to try.

ARA has put together the best combination of minimum rules with an achievable target. Perfect targets are shot indoors and at night at many if not most matches these days.

If you are still reading you must be wondering when am I going to talk about IR 50/50 10 Shot?

Here goes. Wayne Wills, the previous owner of IR 50/50, invented 10 Shot. 10 shot is without doubt the MEANEST GAME IN TOWN. Perhaps the meanest there has ever been.
10 Shot uses the standard IR 50/50 target but it is scored using different rules. 10 Shot is named after the only shot that receives a full 10 points. That shot must be completely inside the 10 ring.

Very hard to do. This past weekend Piney Hill hosted the IR 50/50 Virginia State, Eastern Regional, and Indoor Nationals 10 Shot tournaments. Only three 10 shots were scored the whole weekend.
That means a 10 Shot happens about 1 in 1375 shots. And those attempts were made by the best in the country.

When 10s are so rare it becomes a game of 4s and 6s. You receive 4 points for touching the X ring (dot) or 6 points for removing the entire dot.
Kinda like the Precision Shooting League (PSL) target. But not quite. If you just barely miss the dot on a PSL target you receive 50 points the next lower score.
If you miss the dot on IR 50/50 10 shot target you receive zero, nothing, nodda.

It is entirely possible to shoot an IR 50/50 target, hit all 10s, but no Xs, normal score would be 250, but scored as 10 Shot you would receive not a single point.

Are you getting the idea of just how mean this game is?

But here is the other side. This target requires you to shoot for the center every shot. No gaming the target, no gaming the push. You simply have to shoot your best and you have to stay in the game until the end.
If you make some bad shots, no problem you can make it up with some great shots. You are never out of it until the end.

There is a possibility of 250 points per target. The average score per target is less than 90 points there is plenty of room at the top.

10 Shot is the most demanding RFBR game I know of but it is also the most fun.

Hopefully I haven’t put you completely off but I have more to share.

10 Shot is also shot in the Sporter class (7.5 lbs rifle, and 6.5 power scopes two piece sand bag rests), both indoors and outdoors. Now buddy that gets sporting.

10 Shot will never be as popular as ARA. But I think many ARA shooters would enjoy the extreme challenge of 10 Shot.

On May 19, 2020 during Triple Crown week there will be the IR 50/50 Virginia State and Mid Atlantic regional 10 shot unlimited tournaments at Kettlefoot.
Sign up for them I think you will enjoy the experience.

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Thanks for posting this article. I've enjoyed 10 Shot since it was first introduced for a variety of reasons.

1. We all have that ammo that turns out to be really great except you know there's probably a flier in each box. That's great ammo for 10 Shot. Sure, losing an X on any bull is no fun but it doesn't take you out of the match either.

2. I don't know of any other game that you can shoot your way back into the AGG. I've had several matches with a mediocre first target but ended up winning the AGG. It's a great exercise in shooting self-discipline to bear down and pull yourself back into the match.

3. When Wayne Wills introduced 10 Shot he allowed ranges to shoot single targets at any match. Piney Hill has taken advantage of this format and usually shoots a single Unlimited 10 Shot target between the morning 3-Gun match and the afternoon Unlimited match. Besides being a fun and different game it's a great warm-up for the 3 target UL match. Aiming for just the dot really ratchets up your precision.

4. Tony mentioned Sporter 10 Shot. This is my favorite 10 Shot game. Going for the dot with a 7 1/2 pound rifle and 6.5 scope on a two piece rest is definitely the greatest challenge going in the Rimfire game. Success in that game is the best feeling I've had since I started shooting RFBR. Indoor or outdoor it's unbelievably fun and challenging.

When 10 Shot was introduced there was some wailing and gnashing of teeth about the difficulty of scoring it. That hasn't been a problem at all. Like all IR5050 events protests are allowed and scoring is over-turned at the same rate as the other IR5050 games.

I encourage ranges to try it once or twice. It's an exciting and humbling challenge.

Bruce Hornstein
Tony and Bruce,

Great write up by both of you guys!

I'd sure as Hell shoot the 10-Shot if I had the chance, but due to my location and the relatively few matches I shoot, I haven't had the opportunity to do it. Even with IR 50 and all the years I've been shooting, I've only done IR 50 one single time and that was when Tony and I shot up in Wisconsin a couple of years ago. Had a blast and hope I can try it again sometime.

Tony and Bruce,

Great write up by both of you guys!

I'd sure as Hell shoot the 10-Shot if I had the chance, but due to my location and the relatively few matches I shoot, I haven't had the opportunity to do it. Even with IR 50 and all the years I've been shooting, I've only done IR 50 one single time and that was when Tony and I shot up in Wisconsin a couple of years ago. Had a blast and hope I can try it again sometime.


I remember that match in Wisconsin. That was fun.
I still don’t know how to tune one of these things!
Good hearing from you.
Shot my 1st 3 card 10 shot match yesterday evening & really enjoyed it. The mindset is really totally different than our normal score game, which is easy to get lulled into soft 10's. In the 10 shot game they get you exactly nothing & you force yourself into shooting for only X's.
Nothing new there, except the realization from myself on how my mindset as a shooter, & would guess many others, is to play it safe & shoot 10's.
It would seem to me that ARA is similar in that by worst edge scoring your forced to keep it inside the ring. A lot harder than easing one up to a 10 ring. At least for me.
I think probably the great shooters out there have more of a 10-shot mindset & thats likely why they shoot as well as they do. They're aggressive with they're shooting & this game forces you to be.
Its both humbling & rewarding at the same time.
Another thing I noticed is one card doesn't take you out of a match. You can get a bunch back in a hurry on others if you shoot well. I like that!
Thank you Wayne for bringing this game too us!

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Shot my 1st 3 card 10 shot match yesterday evening & really enjoyed it. The mindset is really totally different than our normal score game, which is easy to get lulled into soft 10's. In the 10 shot game they get you exactly nothing & you force yourself into shooting for only X's.
Nothing new there, except the realization from myself on how my mindset as a shooter, & would guess many others, is to play it safe & shoot 10's.
It would seem to me that ARA is similar in that by worst edge scoring your forced to keep it inside the ring. A lot harder than easing one up to a 10 ring. At least for me.
I think probably the great shooters out there have more of a 10-shot mindset & thats likely why they shoot as well as they do. They're aggressive with they're shooting & this game forces you to be.
Its both humbling & rewarding at the same time.
Another thing I noticed is one card doesn't take you out of a match. You can get a bunch back in a hurry on you others if you shoot well. I like that!
Thank you Wayne for bringing this game too us!


Keith ,

When I started this thread I was trying to get across the points you just made.

10 Shot has it's own attraction! When you get hooked on it nothing else seems to have the same feel or attraction.

It is difficult, it is confounding, it is rewarding, and most of all it is fun!

The problem with 10 Shot is getting shooters to shoot it. Either they think it is too hard, or too different.

But if you can get them to shoot a few matches they soon learn with 10 Shot you are never out of it. As you said "you can get a bunch back in a hurry".

Just wish I knew how to get more match directors to schedule more 10 shot matches.

Thank you for taking the time to relate your experience.

The Triple Crown of Rimfire

The Triple Crown of Rimfire is schedule for the week of 25 thur 30 May 2021.

I would like to make a proposal to change the IR 50/50 portion of the Triple Crown from the three targets of IR 50/50 Unlimited, to three targets of IR 50/50 10 shot scoring.

The IR 50/50 "unlimited" portion has always been the most feared portion of the Triple Crown. If one has one bad shot it drops his overall score tremendously.

I don't think anyone has ever won the Triple Crown that shot a 749 agg. on the IR 50/50 portion. It is simply the nature of the IR 50/50 unlimited scoring system.

On the other hand the 10 Shot scoring system rewards absolute accuracy without penalizing one or two bad shots just as ARA and PSL does.

In addition the 10 Shot scoring system allows one to come back from a poor target by having so much upside for an outstanding performance.

This is not my original idea. Bill Calfee came up with it.

I feel so strongly that it will improve the Triple Crown I'm advocating here.

Paul Tolvstad and Jason Frymier are in a position to affect this change.

If you support this idea please respond here. Maybe we can convince Paul and Jason it is time for a change.

+1 for 10 Shot

Targets that reward Xs are GREAT, I have shot a few 10 Shot matches, one of the best targets I have was from a 10 Shot match. The past winter I was involved in a different game called Rimfire 275, like 10 Shot, it rewards the X count, except the dot must be taken out, otherwise it counted as a normal 10, so nothing extra for touching the dot. Chuck Morrell holds the record for the custom class 271-21X and a 269-19X was shot by someone using a 52D in the factory class. Both classes use the same target BTW.
[QUOTETONY WHERE IS THE MATCH BEING HELD.=tonykharper;844037]The Triple Crown of Rimfire is schedule for the week of 25 thur 30 May 2021.

I would like to make a proposal to change the IR 50/50 portion of the Triple Crown from the three targets of IR 50/50 Unlimited, to three targets of IR 50/50 10 shot scoring.

The IR 50/50 "unlimited" portion has always been the most feared portion of the Triple Crown. If one has one bad shot it drops his overall score tremendously.

I don't think anyone has ever won the Triple Crown that shot a 749 agg. on the IR 50/50 portion. It is simply the nature of the IR 50/50 unlimited scoring system.

On the other hand the 10 Shot scoring system rewards absolute accuracy without penalizing one or two bad shots just as ARA and PSL does.

In addition the 10 Shot scoring system allows one to come back from a poor target by having so much upside for an outstanding performance.

This is not my original idea. Bill Calfee came up with it.

I feel so strongly that it will improve the Triple Crown I'm advocating here.

Paul Tolvstad and Jason Frymier are in a position to affect this change.

If you support this idea please respond here. Maybe we can convince Paul and Jason it is time for a change.

=tonykharper;844037]The Triple Crown of Rimfire is schedule for the week of 25 thur 30 May 2021.

I would like to make a proposal to change the IR 50/50 portion of the Triple Crown from the three targets of IR 50/50 Unlimited, to three targets of IR 50/50 10 shot scoring.

The IR 50/50 "unlimited" portion has always been the most feared portion of the Triple Crown. If one has one bad shot it drops his overall score tremendously.

I don't think anyone has ever won the Triple Crown that shot a 749 agg. on the IR 50/50 portion. It is simply the nature of the IR 50/50 unlimited scoring system.

On the other hand the 10 Shot scoring system rewards absolute accuracy without penalizing one or two bad shots just as ARA and PSL does.

In addition the 10 Shot scoring system allows one to come back from a poor target by having so much upside for an outstanding performance.

This is not my original idea. Bill Calfee came up with it.

I feel so strongly that it will improve the Triple Crown I'm advocating here.

Paul Tolvstad and Jason Frymier are in a position to affect this change.

If you support this idea please respond here. Maybe we can convince Paul and Jason it is time for a change.

[quote tony where is triple being shot.
=tonykharper;844037]the triple crown of rimfire is schedule for the week of 25 thur 30 may 2021.

i would like to make a proposal to change the ir 50/50 portion of the triple crown from the three targets of ir 50/50 unlimited, to three targets of ir 50/50 10 shot scoring.

The ir 50/50 "unlimited" portion has always been the most feared portion of the triple crown. If one has one bad shot it drops his overall score tremendously.

I don't think anyone has ever won the triple crown that shot a 749 agg. On the ir 50/50 portion. It is simply the nature of the ir 50/50 unlimited scoring system.

On the other hand the 10 shot scoring system rewards absolute accuracy without penalizing one or two bad shots just as ara and psl does.

In addition the 10 shot scoring system allows one to come back from a poor target by having so much upside for an outstanding performance.

This is not my original idea. Bill calfee came up with it.

I feel so strongly that it will improve the triple crown i'm advocating here.

Paul tolvstad and jason frymier are in a position to affect this change.

If you support this idea please respond here. Maybe we can convince paul and jason it is time for a change.


The Triple Crown of Rimfire is being shot in Washington County just outside of Bristol Va. at Kettlefoot Rod and Gun Club at 21101 Kettlefoot Rd, Bristol, VA 24202.

Bill, you can quote me on that. :rolleyes:
I cannot see how IR 50 50 is much different from RBA (which no longer exists). There was the 25 bull target scored best edge with an X if you punched the center dot. So the best possible score was 250/25X. The Xs were used only as tie breakers.

I was never a competitor but I watched a few competitions and have shot many RBA targets as a challenge to myself and in friendly competition with friends. My best ever score on an RBA target was 248/10X . That was shot with an Anschutz 64 Action MPR. with a Weaver T-36 and Eley Match (Black Box) ammunition. More often I have shot decent scores with my CZ 452 and its Don Stith Sporter class stock and cheaper ammo such as SK Standard Plus.

After a five year layoff from shooting (health issues) I have gotten back to the range this winter. I already bought three new rifles including a wonderfully accurate Anschutz 1761 MPR. Going through my gun stuff cabinet, I found an unbroken pack of 100 RBA targets, so with the CZ and the new Anschutz I will be able to keep busy for a while. I confess, at age 76, I am not really interested in any high level stressful competition, such as you all wrote about here. Here are those two rifles:
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This thread was inadvertently deleted while deleting a few spam posts; thanks to Brandon it got recovered from a back-up version — however, some of the recent posts were lost.
This thread was inadvertently deleted while deleting a few spam posts; thanks to Brandon it got recovered from a back-up version — however, some of the recent posts were lost.
No problem on this with me. The posts of the spammers were deleted after being reported, and very quickly I may add. Hopefully the 'new members' were banned also.
Policing the forum is paramount these days and minor issues do not/should not defeat what needs to be done. Why these offshore folks want to screw with this board is beyond me, but I truly appreciate the efforts of the new administration to quickly act on reported posts!
