IR 3-Gun Chief City Shooters 09-01-24 results


Active member
Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL will host our final double IR 3-Gun list matches of the season on Sunday 09-01-24.
I have an extra set of equipment if anyone is interested in trying this challenging RFBR discipline. It does need to be reserved by Friday though. Start time is 09:00 for match 1 with match 2 to follow. To reserve equipment or for questions, please email me at:

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Our last double match of the season and it was pretty wild. Probably the most difficult conditions at the club this year. The N50 guys on the other range had a time of it as well. Lucky as it is, we do have 30 minutes to shoot a card, and several of us took advantage of the 'wait for it' time. Scott Albury took the first match and Jerry Halcomb won the second. Match info below. Thanks to all who helped and participated this season!



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