Imr 8208 loading data


Yesd Ied

I'm a new member looking for load data on Imr 8208 pushing Nosler 155 gr. and 168 gr.Amax, can't seem to find much. Thanks
I'm a new member looking for load data on Imr 8208 pushing Nosler 155 gr. and 168 gr.Amax, can't seem to find much. Thanks
Three major things you need to tell us;

1-what cartridge are you loading.

2-What action is the gun built on.

3-And very important, which 8208 do you have?
There are a bunch of "IMR" 8208's out there that have a wide range of burning rates.
There us also IMR 8208XBR which is not IMR at all.

Sorry bout that. I have a Savage 308, model 12, F/tr, 30" SS barrel and I am using it on the bench. I'm still at 100 yds till I feel that I should move on out. I am very comfortable with 42.8 gr. Varget, and 168gr. Amax, but for us in Florida it seems to be unavailable, as well as almost anything else to do with ammo. I did find the 155 gr. Nosler and am hoping to move forward and develop another accurate dependable load. The powder is IMR 8208 XBR. Thanks
I'm a new member looking for load data on Imr 8208 pushing Nosler 155 gr. and 168 gr. Amax, can't seem to find much. Thanks

What has Nosler and Hornady suggested as loads for their bullets?

A simple phone call usually ends with the manufacturer sending an e-mail with lots of load data and a variety of powder suggestions. :)
Right from Hodgdon's website for 308.


  • Hodgdon_308_8208_XBR.pdf
    96.3 KB · Views: 2,830
Thanks for the help. I have the PDF file and will make the phone calls Monday.
8208 load in 6BR 66gr fowleer

Check Hodgdon's website for data for your cartridge. 8208 works just fine in my 6BR, so good luck!


I have a lot of 8208 from military ammo. Had it about 10 years. Looking for load data as I have misplaced mine after moving to Round Rock Texas. Got this power at Benchrest school Hart barrels put on in New York.


imr8208 loading data

Careful on these powders IMR 8208 pull down is not the same as IMR 8208 XBR.
The pull down is more suited to 6PPc.
Its from 223 ammo.

Hey, neighbor! I'm in Sun City just north of you! I use 26.7 grains of the new 8208-XBR behind an 80 grain Berger FB, Lapua blue box 6BR Norma brass, and a CCI 450 primer. I get 2770 fps and it shoots very well, especially if I do my part. I would think you could start with that and go from there.

I shoot 100 yard VFS at the Austin Rifle Club (I'm a member) and we have an unofficial bench rest group every Tuesday AM/PM. If you're looking for a good place to shoot, ARC is close (Manor) and well maintained.

I have a lot of 8208 from military ammo. Had it about 10 years. Looking for load data as I have misplaced mine after moving to Round Rock Texas. Got this power at Benchrest school Hart barrels put on in New York.


THis is a little off-topic for the man's .308 post, but...

You need to be a little careful... The old 8208 used in the 5.56 (pretty much a .223) was similar to 322. But that's the OLD 322 -- usually pre-Hodgdon, definitely pre Australian Extreme, what is now sold by Hodgdon.

You don't say what the use is, 6PPC?


The load used to push a 80-grain FB bullet to 2770 is a bit, well, different from what most use. I believe this is also the 8-twist barrel that gets 85-grain A-MAX bullets to tumble? Well, one man's results are that, but more typical of the caliber, powder, loads, and bullets can be found by searching for the tests Jackie Schmidt did for 6mmBR a while back. That was an 8-twist barrel, and Jackie used bullets in the 105 gain region, and got velocities in the 2,900 fps region.

Here's just one link (there are others with powder performance, bullet performance, etc., all of which would be considered fairly typical by the 600 and 1K shooters...)

Just checked

& that seems fairly typical of what people find, both long & short range...

After so much hijacking, a carrot for the .308 poster would be German Salazr's work, found at
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"The load used to push a 80-grain FB bullet to 2770 is a bit, well, different from what most use. I believe this is also the 8-twist barrel that gets 85-grain A-MAX bullets to tumble?"

Well, Charles, I guess you can't help but call me out on this AGAIN and imply that I'm wrong or confused or worse! I've gone way over the 2770 load and found no useful purpose to it; why hammer myself and my rifle with higher recoil and all that? Perhaps you enjoy being hammered (or are you now??), but I'm pleased with the results, especially since I only shoot 100 yard VFS.

I've tried other loads, numerous seating depths, a couple different neck tensions, and see no REAL difference, so I stick with what works for me. Doesn't mean it works for you, or agrees with your experience (as we previously covered), but it is what it is. And YES, the 87 (not 85) grain V-Maxes tumbled for me...again, not YOUR experience, but mine. If you'd like to see a target or two, I'll see if I can find a couple for you to apply your ANAL-lysis to help clarify my obviously mistaken experiences.

Don, sorry for assisting in the hi-jacking of YOUR thread. I hope you find some good loads for your rifle using that "old" 8208.

Well, Charles, I guess you can't help but call me out on this AGAIN and imply that I'm wrong or confused or worse!
Dennis, I'm not "calling you out," I believe you got the results you got. But the deal is, they are so different from what others have gotten that when someone new to benchrest asks a question, you give your experience, and you don't qualify your answer, it seems important for someone to point this out. Easy enough for you to mention this in your posts, & I'll be hush.
Dennis, I'm not "calling you out," I believe you got the results you got. But the deal is, they are so different from what others have gotten that when someone new to benchrest asks a question, you give your experience, and you don't qualify your answer, it seems important for someone to point this out. Easy enough for you to mention this in your posts, & I'll be hush.


I guess I don't understand your issue here. My results may very well be different from what others got, but I was giving my experience. I don't understand what I need to do to "qualify" my answer. Maybe I need to add "YMMV" or "Charles E had other experiences" or...????? Please advise how I should handle this in the future so that someone not as "knowledgeable" as you can understand that my opinion is only one shooter's opinion. Perhaps I should just say "don't ask Charles E"...or...

Maybe you're right, Delta Bravo. The social function of Benchrest Central is now more important than any information given. You're right, I'm wrong, say whatever you like.
charles is just simply looking out for this guy. I respect that, and im sure everyone else does as well. You have to understand we have no idea who the OP is, or what his experience level is. You have to keep these kinds of thoughts in mind at all times when talking about these sorts of subjects. Thanks for sharing your experiences, as i enjoy reading them. Lee

Thanks. I'm not trying to get anyone hurt, either. If you check my "published" load, it's under Hodgdon's minimum load for that bullet. It works for me and I'm sticking with it, especially since I have about 10 or 12 pounds of 8208-XBR and 2000 Bergers! When I was working up my 6BR loads, I used BLC-(2), H322, Varget, and XBR. The only one I could get any useable amount of was the XBR. To put all this in perspective, my current load of XBR is 45 1/2 clicks on my Harrel. I'm currently fire-forming new Lapua brass and am using 47 1/2 clicks (should be about 27.9 grains). Still well within mygun's abilities, no pressure signs, but I'm not going to use that load for the future because it's quite a bit more "energetic" in recoil, and like I said in an earlier post I'm not really interested in getting hammered if I can avoid it!

Charles E

Let's just agree to disagree on my experiences versus yours and your "others" okay?


YMMV on all of this!!!!