Imr 4198

Pete Wass

Well-known member
One of my shooting friends is using IMR 4198 in his 30 BR this season and it's working well for him. Bulky but he is getting good results from it. Basically, he was able to get it and it worked out fine.

Haven't used the IMR 4198, but my dad has been having very good luck pushing Reloader 7 at 35gr or so in his 30br and having good luck with it. Gave him my old jug of it and he gave me some benchmark to mess around with in my son's ppc or my 30.
I've used Reloader 7

Haven't used the IMR 4198, but my dad has been having very good luck pushing Reloaded 7 at 35gr or so in his 30br and having good luck with it. Gave him my old jug of it and he gave me some benchmark to mess around with in my son's ppc or my 30.

for years both in the 30-44's I use to shoot and 30 BR's. I am shooting it in my 30 BR VH rifle still. This summer I have been using Tubal 2000 in my 30 BR HV rifle and it is doing pretty well. I had 16 Pounds I got in a trade a few years ago so thought in the absence of H 4198 I'd use it. I had an 8 of IMR 4198 but sold it to the friend who was using it and liked it. Back when I was using a lot of Re 7, it was a few bucks less than the other powders and easy to find but today, one will pay a premium if they find it, from my experience, anyway. I've found that some barrels will prefer the Re 7 to other powders.

I just did some testing with LT-30, hands down it is every bit as good as H-4198. I tested LT-30 against H-4198 at an actual match at 100 & 200 yards. My 100 yard score was 250-20x with LT-30. Last Saturday shooting the same load at a different range I shot a 250 with 19x. Using 35.2grs of LT-30 shoots to the same point of impact as 34.6 grs of H-4198. There is currently a good availability of LT-30.
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