IBS1000 Virgina State Match


New member
Just viewed the IBS1000 Virgina State Match results from last weekend and have to say....

WOW-WEE.... "Holly shooting Batman" ..... to James O'Hara

Match 7) 3.715 <> 50-4x
Match 8) 2.996 <> 50-2x
Match 9) 2.443 <> 50-1x
Match10) 2.188 <> 50-1x
2.883 <> 50-2x = Average

Amazing ..... and good shooting Jim !.!.!
Donovan Moran
Donovan, Thanks, but the best is it plus an other 2" and 4" plus another 50 and a 49 is a new IBS record or two...... jim
IBS1000 Virginia State Match


congratulations on your superb 1000yd BR achievements during the weekend.

reinforcing the comments of others, to shoot four consecutive groups with and average of 2.883" and a score average of 50.2 is a wonderful effort.

many LRBR competitors strive to shoot either a single sub 3" group or a 50 score with only a small minority being able to achieve this task.

to maintain such a superb standard of LRBR markmanship over the two days is a phenomenal effort.


dave goodridge
group size

Tom, I have been keeping track of these barrels and as warms up in the afternoon they shoot smaller. The best part the conditions are worse. It's telling me more powder in the morning...... jim
Thanks, Chuck...... I see the Match report from Va. state shoot disappeared from the results page......... jim
Congratulations and good shooting Jim. Sounds like annealing a long with a few other things pays off.
2013 1000 Yd. Va. State Results

The Match results from Va. 1000 Yd. State Match are available on the results page Of The VA. Club site. The Combined results are in the "2013 State Match" link and there are pictures of all shooters on the "Match Pictures" Link. Also there are some great "Behind the Benches" on a link on the Bulletin Board Page. There are some good ones featuring "Jim1k"