IBS Winter Meeting this weekend

All, for those attending the 2015 IBS Winter Meeting please note we will be at a new venue this year:

January 17, 2015
Holiday Inn Harrisburg-Hershey Hotel
604 Station Road, Grantville, Pa. 17028
(off I-81 northeast of Harrisburg)

We are no longer at the former Holiday Inn in New Cumberland where we had been for a number of years.

Jeff was going to ask sooner, but decided to wait till after your meeting, are you guys going to allow the Seb three bag rest? I think it would be nice if all 1000 yard clubs stay the same.

Joe Salt
Joe, If I may jump in here... I'm not familiar with the SEB bag you're speaking of, but here is the rule..

Sand bags on front rests must be a minimum of one and one-half inches
wide by four inches long

Jeff W
seb rest

Joe, we went over this rule at our winter board meeting. must use 1 single bag, not 3 separate bags.
Jeff You will have to get online and check one out! They do offer a one piece bag, But the ones I seen Have two side bags that can be tightened and the a bottom bag. I see in your sentence you say BAGS, The Rules have always said( BAG ) And at the meeting your notes say 1/2" from retainer, thats with the Rifle on the BAG. Correct!
I believe Ryan Miller Our Club President will be contacting you about it.

Joe Salt
Scott I know it was brought up, but I think that we should also know what the IBS says also thats how thing got started back in the 90's One club didn't know what the other is doing. And before you go to one of their match or them to ours I want to know I'm not going to get DQ'ed.

Joe Salt
Jeff You will have to get online and check one out! They do offer a one piece bag, But the ones I seen Have two side bags that can be tightened and the a bottom bag. I see in your sentence you say BAGS, The Rules have always said( BAG ) And at the meeting your notes say 1/2" from retainer, thats with the Rifle on the BAG. Correct!
I believe Ryan Miller Our Club President will be contacting you about it.

Joe Salt

First of all, it reads as if you may think I'm Jeff Stover, sorry.

Yes my post says "bags" but it also says "rests". Plural on both counts. And I copied and pasted from the rule book. I would say if the bag in question is three separate bags, it's not legal. Would've been a lot better if you had asked before the winter meeting so it may have been discussed, but I believe it's old news and has been gone over before.
Yes I did think you were Jeff Stover My Screw up didn't look at the whole name. Rests! yes one front one back! Well the old news is being brought up again, cause I want it to be clear to everyone,what the rules say and not have people interpret what they think it says.

Joe salt
I don't think the three piece bag is a competitive advantage or disadvantage. To me, it's a non issue. But the question remains is if its legal.
Instead of buying things that are questionable and trying to change the rule book to make it not questionable, why not buy what is legal and roll with it. Or modify what you bought so it is legal ? I have already figured out a way to make the three bag system technically legal, since it's technically illegal.
Well would you like to share? I myself am legal, all I want to know is that both organization rules are the same. I don't like conflicts when it comes to rules! We all have enough problem getting shooters at matches without complicating things. My 2 cents.

Joe salt
Jeff was going to ask sooner, but decided to wait till after your meeting, are you guys going to allow the Seb three bag rest? I think it would be nice if all 1000 yard clubs stay the same.

Joe Salt

I find a flaw in your statement of not wanting things to be complicated. To make the decision to go on the Internet with this after the meeting rather than bring it up in a phone call to Jeff before the meeting is not what I would call trying to not complicate things. I guess it's once again pot stirring time, so if there's no pot to stir, let's find one.

No, I would not share. Being an E-Board member, it would seem more official than a suggestion. But all I'm saying is if I had one, I know what I would do to make it "technically" legal. But it would just be a way to challenge the ruling and cause more work and rewording to be put into the rule book. I personally am sick and tired of this SEB test and all the phone calls and emails I have had to endure because of it. I'm sure the LR Committee guys ar dealing with it way more than I am. I'm not slamming the SEB rest, I hear it's a good one, but the issues that have been raised because of it are issues that are easily solved by the owners of the rests. I cannot understand why things have gone the way they have.
does it state a single piece bag. It appears, as long as the dimensions are met, the 3 piece SEB bag is legal.

It says in the rule book front rest bags must be 1 1/2" wide and 4" long min. ………. i guess if you can fit three of them on the front you are good…… jim
jim you may want to read rule Vll a#7 again the part you think means bags was to allow for the H.G. with the wide double rails Like the one Joel Pendergraf had some years ago. At the start it says BAG!

Joe Salt
Joe , our rule 61.0 states a single sand bag front rest. We will have this rule up for review by the members at the club. I don't see an advantage either way!
jim you may want to read rule Vll a#7 again the part you think means bags was to allow for the H.G. with the wide double rails Like the one Joel Pendergraf had some years ago. At the start it says BAG!

Joe Salt

Joe i read this under the (general rules) #7 not heavy……… jim
Just like I said to Jeff The rule will not effect me its the new shooters that I worry about losing or the guys that put all the money into something like the Seb rest then told they can't use it. Scott give me a call! As long as Both Organizations agree then lets do it.

Joe Salt
Unless the reword these rules as the did on the retainer it states 1 1/2" wide and 4" long bags…… This has been going on for 3 years, and they didn't address this part of it with the rule change. The new rule says the bag has to be a 1/2" thick min. I don't have a dog in this fight so i would see if they want to change the rules again, and again……. jim