IBS International 1000yd BR Postal Match


Last weekend saw the final 1000yd BR match of 2009 held in australia for the International IBS 1000yd BR Postal Matches.

Although the first two matches involved a comparison between the Virginia 1000yd BR club and the Canberra Club, it was very pleasing to able to include the results of the Townsville Club 1000yd BR members for the September and November matches.

Australian 1000yd Competitors are reminded that all clubs who are prepared to hold and run IBS 1000yd matches, will have the results achieved by their members automatically included in the team and individual compilations for future events.

Thankyou again, to Mr Jeff Stover ( IBS President), Mr Lee Fischer ( IBS 1000yd Delegate), Mr Willie Williamson (Virginia 1000yd BR Club President), Mr Shaun Hemming (Virginia 1000yd BR Club Vice President) , Mr Jeff Walker ( Virginia 1000yd BR Club Webmaster) and the membership body of the Virginia 1000yd BR Club for their support, co-operation and involvement throughout the year with these 1000yd BR matches.

related information is available at the following websites:-


www.ausvarmint.com ( refer to the "shooting sports" and "competition result" sections.)

dave goodridge
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