I Need a Scale to weigh a rifle


I would like to buy a inexpensive scale to weigh a rifle or two nothing fancy . just want to set it on there and see what it weighs thats all.
does any body know of a CHEEP scale that will work well for this purpose ? like you have one and use it for that?
Some of the office supply stores such as Office Depot and Office Max have postal scales that weigh up to 40lbs for about $29. They are pretty accurate.

If you want to be cheap, and have a bathroom scale, weigh yourself, next weigh yourself while holding the rifle. Subtract the numbers and that is what the rifle weighs.

and then get DQ'd because you were so inaccurate. Spend the money to buy a good scale off e-bay. less than $50 will buy a damn accurate scale. $100 will buy one that goes into 1000 yd weight range
http://www.oldwillknottscales.com/my-weigh-ultraship-u2.aspxWell i stoped in at staples and everything they had was $100.00 to about $170.00 that would do what i want.. one's for like a 100 bucks were like 6"x6" little things
check office depot online about the same...

I found a place on line that has a bunch of scales,I think i saved the link off a thread on here..very good prices..allmost half the price of them offices places.

I dont mind spending a little money on one, I just dont know witch one to go with...

here is one i was looking at but never having weighed one,other than on a BIG shipping scale,i dont know if it's good for weighing rifles?
I dont know why that link keeps going to the top but what do you think of this scale??

By the way chip that is good stuff..i like it..
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You can check how accurate a cheap scale is by making a weight and checking it on a postal scale. 10 and 1/2 pounds of lead shot in a plastic bottle is easy to adjust at the post office.
If you want to be cheap, and have a bathroom scale, weigh yourself, next weigh yourself while holding the rifle. Subtract the numbers and that is what the rifle weighs.


Thousands of dollars for rifle and scope and you get DQ'd because you trust the equipment weight to a scale accurate to 2 lbs.
Hi I got a postal scale from Harbor Freight. Cen-tech #95069 up to 70 lbs Not sure how precise it is Seems like it was about 20 bucks???? Don
I purchased a scale that reads to 36 pounds and in ounces and tenths of an oz for $28 from amazon.com it checks dead on against my certified weights (10,3, and .5 pounds) which frankly amazed me . It does not seem to be a current offering so all I am saying is accurate scales can be had very inexpensively. Additionally be very careful about if it is reading tenths of a pound or oz's I could tell you the name of a Hall Of Fame shooter who got tripped up by this and almost DQ'd at a match recently but I won't.
I'm still looking at scale's. Can anyone reccomend one that they know is good for weighing a rifle?

I dont mind spending the money but dont want to spend 50 bucks on one and find out it's no good and the one i really needed was $150.00 or even $25.00..
What i ment by being cheep was I really did not want to spend a few hundred buck's on one..And being able to get one that would work well and be accurate for 50 buck's would be great..
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WillieV18, where are you going to hook that hook on a $3,000 rifle with a $*** scope on it?
I use a loop style sling like used on shot guns and set my tear weight with the sling on the scale b4 slinging up the rifle. Ive hung my bench gun many times this way, and never had any fear of dropping it.
Thousands of dollars for rifle and scope and you get DQ'd because you trust the equipment weight to a scale accurate to 2 lbs.

The wife brought a set of digital bathroom scales that are scareingly accurate to < an ounce. No more late night sandwiches for me now!
Go to Old Will Knotts ebay store, and get either the MyWeigh 35 or 55. Thats what has been used for a number of years @ FCNC when Larry Bartholome was still on the HP committee. They used to be a *lot* cheaper (about half), but still a decent scale. I got the 55 myself, so that I can use it to weigh baggage for flights as well. I've ran my F/TR rifle right up pretty dang close to the limit (8.20kg w/ a limit of 8.25) and never ever been over weight any where I've weighed in.
Put the rifle in a nondescript box. Weigh on scales in the lobby at the Post Office. Weigh the empty box. Subtract the second from the first, and there you have the rifle's weight.
Put the rifle in a nondescript box. Weigh on scales in the lobby at the Post Office. Weigh the empty box. Subtract the second from the first, and there you have the rifle's weight.

Yeah, thats a great idea. Risk jail time taking your gun into a federal building because you're too cheap to buy a scale...
. . . Used it for years with zero issues . . .
Ever figured out what caused those zero issues?:)

Like the drug company said when pushing pills -- "Nothing works better." I figured, "OK, I won't take anything."

(Seriously, thanks for the link. Been looking for an inexpensive scale to weigh rifles on, too.)