I found this interesting...

Wilbur, that is a very well thought out explanation of what amounts to rude behavior.

That being said, I would say a good definition of a troll is someone who has knowledge of quite a few things but as never actually participated in much of anything.........but still wants to argue about it.
One of my most favorite cartoons shows a man in front of his PC typing away. His wife is standing behind him, saying "Why would you go on the internet for an argument when you have a perfectly good woman right here at home?
That's one nice thing about the internet. If a person searches long enough there is an answer out there to support your position.


Where does the internet get its information? The internet is an information Highway with a lot of hitchhikers:) The internet is a powerful tool. Its a quick trip to the Library or bookstore. No need for masks or social distancing:D

I'm a hitchhiker. I found this site,20 years ago, surfing the internet.:D BRC wasn't listed in Britannica.:D

Agree with Jackie on one of my other shooting sites there are folks who can tell you exactly how to achieve something that they have never achieved themselves.