Hurricane Irene

Bill B

New member
How many clubs with matches in the path this weekend? Anyone gonna try to dope Irene? I wonder what the hold off would be on a 65 mph wind? I think our shoot here in Wawarsing NY is good for Saturday. Sunday could be a tough day to shoot here.
We look forward to hearing how you make out, hope you have one or five of Todd's umbrella holder's, maybe Mel
would shoot with you?!?!
Might be good practice for the National's?!
NO, I don't want to THANK YOU!
Pete ;-)

Actually the weather forecast for tomorrow is for light winds (2-5mph), light showers in the morning and scattered thunderstorms later in the afternoon. Come on down, could be a good morning for a decent sporter score. It's not until late Sat night that it's supposed to get interesting.
Mel are you trying to extort money from Bill ......I heard that somewhere else I think .......


I read over on the other site that same thing and boy did that get taken down quick "NO ONE SUPPOSED TO KNOW"!!!!!
Mel wasn't brought into that one though!!!!
My only relief is that Irene came now, and not 3 or 4 weeks ago when the Worlds were happening at Palmetto. Now, that would have made things interesting for sure, especially if it arrived as the air guns were taking the line. What would the hold off be when using an 8.4grn pellet traveling at 725 f/s over 25M with a 100 MPH Cross-Wind? Two to three target frames to the left?

Dave,I doubt I will have to worry what a pellet will do in the wind.
Hurricane Irene didn't make her presence known until late in the match when it started to rain. The winds were light, as forecast, for the early morning hours. The conditions for sporter were as nice as expected with a 250-17 and a 250-15 being shot.
Bill I heard you shot Mel's 6 groove in the unlimited.......How did it shoot ?

Bill I heard you shot Mel's 6 groove in the unlimited.......How did it shoot ?


I shot a 749-51X with it. I was impressed and can't wait to get a Rock Creek put on my rifle for next season. I had one round drop a point straight down for no apparent reason. It's performance in wind is impressive.

Related to the hurricane, Irene was a real B****. Lots of flooding here. Lots of trees down and a lot of folks without power. We were lucky. Just got power back.
Report from the coast...

Irene was gentle with us here on the coast. Only about an inch of rain, the highest gust on my wind gauge was 58mph. Seems our friends to the north and west got the worst of it.

Those Rock Creek bbls that Gordon is using are sure racking up a impressive record. Congratulations to all, some great scores! :D]
