Hunter / VFS results for the match in New Braunfels

Let me start by thanking everyone who showed up to shoot our Hunter/VFS match this Sunday Aug 21st. We had a good time and some good food. Thanks to our club match volunteers for helping out with the targets. A big thanks go out to Dick Cunningham for grilling up sausage wraps with all the fixin's.

VFS 100

1. Arnold Jewell 250.16
2. Dale Metzger 250.15
3. Jerry Hensler 250.14
4. Ryan Harrison 250.14
5. Gary Bristow 250.12
6. Tommy Long 250.11
7. Joe Duke 250.11
8. Don Garrett 250.11
9. Ted Heckerman 249.17
10. Art Bosco 249.15

VFS 200 (Did I mention mirage at Dietzville on a hot afternoon!!!!!!!)

1. Jerry Hensler 244.04
2. Ted Heckerman 244.00
3. Arnold Jewell 242.02
4. Don Garrett 241.04
5. Gary Bristow 240.02
6. Ryan Harrison 239.04
7. Art Bosco 239.03
8. Wayne Young 239.02
9. Dale Metzger 237.01
10. Frank Wilson 236.03

VFS Grand

1. Jerry Hensler 494.18
2. Ted Heckerman 493.17
3. Arnold Jewell 492.18
4. Don Garrett 491.15
5. Gary Bristow 490.14
6. Ryan Harrison 489.18
7. Art Bosco 488.18
8. Dale Metzger 487.16
9. Tommy Long 486.13
10. Wayne Young 486.09

Hunter 100/200/Grand

1. Mike Wall
2. Virgil Howarth

I appologize to Mike Wall and Virgil Howarth. I thought I had a copy of the Hunter results but I do not. Mike did win the 100/200/and the grand. I will post a follow up once I get a copy.

As usual we had a great time shooting today. It started out rather nice for Dietz but by late morning the mirage was starting to roll. After lunch at 200 yards the bulls were darned hard to see. The shooters did a great job shooting in such challenging conditions. It got to the point Joe Duke was up on his feet dancing behind the benches because he hit the X. You have some good moves Joe!!!

I appreciate all who made the trip to New Braunfels to shoot with us. We had a great bunch of shooters from the Houston area and of course the Duke clan was well represented by Joe's appearance. I hope you guys had fun....I know I enjoyed visiting with all of you.

Kris Whitman

(We missed you Jackie...dang work....keeps getting in the way of our fun!)
Congratulations to Arnold Jewell for his win at 100 and to Jerry Hensler for his win at 200 and his Agg win. And to Mike Wall for his Hunter win.
Arnold, you still have what it takes to get the win. Just wait til next time.

Thanks Kris and all your crew for a well run match. It is always fun to shoot at New Braunfels even when you shoot as poorly as I did today.

Hey; if I hadn't left one target at 200 blank, and if I had read the conditions better, and if I handled my gun better, and if I had been more patient, and...if Mike hadn't showed up...I'd would have won Hunter. On well, maybe next year....

But...with all that; a fine match well run.

It was a pretty good match. I am glad I showed up.
Oddly enough the 30 BR's didn't do to well in the wind.
