How's this for a real name


Bob Smith

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this "real name" thing that bothers a lot of folks. I simply don't see how to force folks to use their real name.....or why a forum would want to do that. Sure, I wish everyone would register with their real name but it just ain't gonna happen. That said, I'll ask again....Why does it matter?

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this "real name" thing that bothers a lot of folks. I simply don't see how to force folks to use their real name.....or why a forum would want to do that. Sure, I wish everyone would register with their real name but it just ain't gonna happen. That said, I'll ask again....Why does it matter?


If I post something on this Web Site, especially as it pertains to building of Rifles and actually competing in real live Matches, those that read it know exactly who I am and can form an opinion,based on that, as to whether I know what I'm talking about, or wheather I'm just full of sh- t.

Anonymous posters could be some fat kid in his mom's basement quoting info garnered off of Wikipedia.
But when you mention you are going to match xyz, someone may decide
that is a nice time to take personal inventory of your

I worried about this for about a full thirty seconds. There is so much information available about us already on line that listing my name here is the least of it.
Real name

In my opinion... using your real name would instill a more courteous comment...... IN SOME CASES........
respectfully yours........
bill larson
Real name

It is not so much about using one's real name as it is for the rest of us to at least understand who the person behind the moniker is. When we know who the person is, then we are able to assign a level of credibility to the content of the post. Personally I attach zero credibility to a post from an anonymous poster, but I will pay attention when the post or theory comes from a fellow respected competitive shooter.
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One word explains it


And, this is my real name, my wife is well armed, so be very, very, careful.

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But when you mention you are going to match xyz, someone may decide
that is a nice time to take personal inventory of your

If your house is only secure when you are home then you are not well prepared. I am not worried about leaving home.
I at one time was quite upset with near "real time" scoring being posted. Anyone could look and see I was at a match and surmise that my wife was home alone. I got over it many years ago as it is so beyond my control that to worry about it is a waste of time. Posting under ones' real name is just being polite in my opinion. bob
How could a serious shooter take what a poster writes with a name like "Sits in Trees"?

As to my wife's security while I'm at a shoot, she has a SAR K2 45ACP at her elbow. The SAR K2 is what many European NATO troops carry. It is much like our 1911 but holds 15 rounds. Hers is loaded with potent hand loads. .

Tired of seeing the green side of grass? Kick her door in!

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this "real name" thing that bothers a lot of folks. I simply don't see how to force folks to use their real name.....or why a forum would want to do that. Sure, I wish everyone would register with their real name but it just ain't gonna happen. That said, I'll ask again....Why does it matter?


Ever notice the great ones only need one name? Stump says it all...