How Valuable are 3 or 4-way Buttplates?



I'm looking at the Master Class web site and considering their adjustable buttplates. For highpower competition, how benificial is all the adjustment? If you already know your preferred length of pull, do you still adjust it during a match? What about the other adjustments; are they changed periodically or, once played with, left in place?
3 or 4 way but

All that is personal choice. I preffer an offset but and change the length of pull for differant stages. I sometimes change but hieght depending on the range setup. Since I use an adjustable front sight I don't do much with the cheek.This is for NRA Across the Course. Don't forget you stripper clip guide or a good magazine for the rapids.
Fclass is differant.
LOP and buttplate height often needs to be changed (in small amounts) due to the slope of the firing mound or the difference in ht between the targets and the mound.

Plates that allow lateral offset are handy to ensure that your eye is centered behind the rear sight.

All these adjustments can easily change day-to-day as your position changes, you fatigue and relax more into the rifle or you change ranges/firing points.

One thought, I would make sure that all the adjustment lock screws on the buttplate require the same wrench. Keep that part simple. You want to use a single wrench to make all of your buttplate adjustments.

I'm looking at the Master Class web site and considering their adjustable buttplates. For highpower competition, how benificial is all the adjustment?

Such adjustments can be very helpful in NRA Highpower competition, and position shooting in general.

But you've posted about F-Class shooting, i.e. prone with a rest or bipod. In my experience, once you've got your LOP and preferred cheekweld, you're good to go for the season. :)
Adjustability is always better than non-adjustability. Wouldn't put together a competition rifle without an adjustable butt plate anymore. Well, excepting a pure free recoil bench rifle.
Which one?

I've looked at the Master Class 3-way and 4-way as well as the Tubb 4-way. What are your opinions?
Spend the extra and buy the Master Class unit. It has a yoke arrangement to hold the rod used for the length adjustment. The Tubb unit just uses a single screw. It allows for some up and down wobble. Not much but it is there. I have both units and will be replacing the Tubb this year.

John Luitink