How Texas does it!

Yesterday. I got a call from August PFluger, with a thank you.....
Nice guy. We talked for about 10 min.....He was a little disappointed that I can't vote for him.....
Cool Vid.
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They are everwhere!

Austin dropped by my house the other day in shorts and flip flops and asked me if he could put a flag in my yard. I told I was voting for him and all other republicans and please put a sign out. Some little idiot took my Trump sign that was beside his. They took my sign but not my vote. Austin, with Trump, will do us a good job in Washington. Austin Pfluger is the 7th generation of Pflugers in Texas. He grew up in a house just across the street from me. He was a good kid then and a good man now. Let me add he is an eagle scout.

Concho Bill
Rumor has it quite a few from California have been moving there. They have already ruined parts of Oregon and Washington do you also see them doing the same in your great State.
Austin dropped by my house the other day in shorts and flip flops and asked me if he could put a flag in my yard. I told I was voting for him and all other republicans and please put a sign out. Some little idiot took my Trump sign that was beside his. They took my sign but not my vote. Austin, with Trump, will do us a good job in Washington. Austin Pfluger is the 7th generation of Pflugers in Texas. He grew up in a house just across the street from me. He was a good kid then and a good man now. Let me add he is an eagle scout.

Concho Bill

That's good to know Bill. Thanks.....
I had shorts on yesterday. And a Carhart hoodie. With a cigar.
Today, I had on my winter stuff. 0700 it was 38° and I was cold.....We shot some VFS at WWCCA.....
Californians are good people

Rumor has it quite a few from California have been moving there. They have already ruined parts of Oregon and Washington do you also see them doing the same in your great State.

Most of the people who move here from California are good people looking for better conditions and less government rules. Like one such person who has family and roots in California and who loves that state told me, "When you sell your over priced house in California and buy a better one here for less money, you cannot go back".

We are more alike than we are different except some of you talk funny.

Concho Bill
Thank you Bill and you are correct there are still some good folks here in California who would like to get out. One could hope that instead moving we could vote the Democrats out of office and turn it back into being a good place to live. Biggest problem is that all of the wealthy tend to be Democrats and their campaign contribution's are extremely hard to be matched. Now days it is he or she who has the most money that ends up winning and not a person better suited for the job. Or being related to someone with power such as Gaven Newsome and being the Nephew of Nancy Pelosi and being shoed in.
Thank you Bill and you are correct there are still some good folks here in California who would like to get out. One could hope that instead moving we could vote the Democrats out of office.

Louis, I feel for you. California has some of the most beautiful natural wonders in our country and some very good people. I may be wrong but I think the problem is in the big cities where there are so many people living with so little hope. They are owned by the democrats. I see the same things happening in the more populated areas of Texas. It may be just more advanced in your state. I fear for our country. Term limits might help.

Concho Bill
Bill I do agree it is those in the big cities that are continually being given false hope and handouts that keep them voting for the democrats who are actually destroying their lives.