How light can a Accutrigger be adjusted

There are two Accutriggers built by Savage. One is in there regular actions and the other is in the "Target" action. The Target model is advertised, or at least I have seen it written somewhere, that it can be adjusted to 3 oz ( I believe ) however The target model I have is adjusted to 2 OZ.

2 oz. trigger

There are two Accutriggers built by Savage. One is in there regular actions and the other is in the "Target" action. The Target model is advertised, or at least I have seen it written somewhere, that it can be adjusted to 3 oz ( I believe ) however The target model I have is adjusted to 2 OZ.


Did you have to do some work on the trigger group itself (or bolt) to get a pull weight that low? It is not uncommon for the sear to drop when you close the bolt when the trigger is below 1# and then you have to re-cock the action. - nhk
actually there is 3 versions of it. the so called target, the varmint, and the standard. usually you cant get the varmint or target trigger down as far as savage claims without encountering problems with the sear dropping. heck actually you cant normally get an unaltered varmint trigger under 2# even though savage claims 1.5#. of course im biased and dont care for the craputrigger at all!
I have a Target action and was able to get the Accutrigger down to a reliable 3 oz. I tried for less, but it was touchy and tended to drop the sear unless the bolt was closed gently. I ended up removing it and building a new trigger based on the Jewell Remington trigger geometry, somewhat rearranged. It functions properly at 1.8 oz., but I set it for 2.2 oz. as it feels more controllable.

As others have mentioned, its possible to get individual triggers to function at what are pretty low pull weights for a factory trigger. My experience w/ the Target Accutrigger has been that they function better turned up a bit, to perhaps 8-12 oz rather than down on the ragged edge @ 6 oz (factory stated minimum) or below. I've been shooting the same trigger on my primary F/TR rifle since 2007, averaging 2000 rds or so per year thru it and it still functions reliably. Mine did tend to creep up in weight and I finally had to go back and turn it down some - and then spend some time getting re-acquainted with it so the trigger goes off when I intend, not as a surprise ;)

RWO - what trigger (brand/manufacturer) did you get? Inquiring minds want to know... ;)
actually there is 3 versions of it. the so called target, the varmint, and the standard. usually you cant get the varmint or target trigger down as far as savage claims without encountering problems with the sear dropping. heck actually you cant normally get an unaltered varmint trigger under 2# even though savage claims 1.5#. of course im biased and dont care for the craputrigger at all!

interesting, as the one Accutrigger I own came from the factory set at 24oz. (checked with a scale). Has never missed a beat in five years or so, and has never been touched as it came out of the box. It's on a mod. 12 BVss-s.
www.savagegunsmithing does a great job in getting the accutrigger down, very crisp, not creep and clean break, but they will only go down so far due to their design.
Call Scott at SGS, he can give you a better idea of what to expect. His savage rifles really shoot also.
