How deep should .220 primer pockets be?



I have watched the Jack Neary videos a couple times trying to pick up as many tip as I can. At one point he mentions the importance of uniforming the pockets.

I have some .220 R Lap. brass that I have expanded and turned the necks for my 6ppc. I have an adjustable primer pocket uniformer and have set it to .126. It seems to clean up 100% of pocket on 1 out of 5, the others are cleaned roughly 75%. Should I cut them to .128 or would that be too deep.

Or do you thing I'm wasting time and should wait until I fire form and get a few firings on the brass?

Opinions would be appreciated.
I have watched the Jack Neary videos a couple times trying to pick up as many tip as I can. At one point he mentions the importance of uniforming the pockets.

I have some .220 R Lap. brass that I have expanded and turned the necks for my 6ppc. I have an adjustable primer pocket uniformer and have set it to .126. It seems to clean up 100% of pocket on 1 out of 5, the others are cleaned roughly 75%. Should I cut them to .128 or would that be too deep.

Or do you thing I'm wasting time and should wait until I fire form and get a few firings on the brass?

Opinions would be appreciated.

As I'm no expert, my opinion is worth what you pay for it. I would think that the trimming and tweaking of the case would be best done after the cases have been hammered a few times to settle down and get acquainted with your chamber. I'm guessing that's why Harrel says to send cases that have been fired 3-4 times when you're ordering a sizing die from them.
I do nothing to them.

I use my Sinclair Primer Tool to clean the pockets after each firing. I just remove the carbon, no metal.
+1 on the Sinclair tool for PPC cases......There is no adjustment. And nothing gets out of adjustment.....
And DO NOT ENLARGE THE FLASH HOLE. Yes, Sinclair sells a reamer for the flash hole. Don't buy it.
I saw my groups shrink in 1/2. Not messing with the flash hole.....
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Thanks for the input guy's, I definitely know enough not to mess with the flash holes, but when looking into new Lapua .220 cases I swear I can see that it needs deburring,, even if they are drilled it could cause some flakeage. I don't plan on mess with it at all though.

My concerns were mainly when Jack states that ignition is critical, and I know for sure that the pockets DO vary (not by much though).
+1 on the Sinclair tool for PPC cases......There is no adjustment. And nothing gets out of adjustment.....
And DO NOT ENLARGE THE FLASH HOLE. Yes, Sinclair sells a reamer for the flash hole. Don't buy it.
I saw my groups shrink in 1/2. Not messing with the flash hole.....

Years ago, we used to run a 1/16 drill through the 220 Russian and 6BR flash holes because Lapua actually drilled them with a 1.5 mm drill, (.059), and our decamping pins would stick in them.

I don't know just when, but sometime back, the flash holes became closer to 1/16 inch. In the past couple years, my 1/16 drill goes right through without cutting anything.
Years ago, we used to run a 1/16 drill through the 220 Russian and 6BR flash holes because Lapua actually drilled them with a 1.5 mm drill, (.059), and our decamping pins would stick in them.

I don't know just when, but sometime back, the flash holes became closer to 1/16 inch. In the past couple years, my 1/16 drill goes right through without cutting anything.

They must have caught on to what you were doing Jackie,, you must have left behind a piece of brass and they scrutinized it. Lol
I am getting sick of Lapua brass weighing,, it's like a long line of on the money then they throw in a really light and some heavies. I'd gladly pay 10 extra bucks to have a .2 gr spread,, I know it doesn't matter much but I'm one of those guys that it makes me more confident having every loaded round exactly the same.
Buy your brass from Ron Hoehn that is already weighed for just a few bucks more than most suppliers. Give him a call or email him. I just got a box in the mail from him the other day.

Buy your brass from Ron Hoehn that is already weighed for just a few bucks more than most suppliers. Give him a call or email him. I just got a box in the mail from him the other day.


Thanks Joe!

Will definitely go that route next time, my pockets are pretty shallow trying to put my families needs first. I appreciate that info very much.
Buy your brass from Ron Hoehn that is already weighed for just a few bucks more than most suppliers. Give him a call or email him. I just got a box in the mail from him the other day.


I just got 100 sorted 220 Russian from Ron, and 100 6BR. As popular as the 6BR is, (including making the 30BR), I wish he would start selling those sorted by weight as well.