Holton club tournament and michigan state tournament


Once again Holton will be hosting 2 one day tournaments the second week end in August 11 (club tournament) 12 (MI State tournament) These will be 6 target matches.
I will be providing a steak dinner after the match on Saturday - this is included in your entry fee. Entry Fee will be $45.00 per day - I will also have a cash option feature, which you may or may not participate your choice - extra $6.

I need to get a head count in order to determine how many steaks/chicken breasts will be needed. The steak is ribeye steak freshly cut on Thursday before the match, by local butcher shop. The cost of the meal for a guest will be 12.00 - Also let me know if you want steak or chicken.

Committed Shooters
Bill Wheeler
Trey Wheeler
Kyle Wheeler
Mike Worthington
Tim Longcore
Bill Nienow
Rex Thompson
Dick Volk
Cliff Miller
Chuck Mcnett Sr.

John Carper
Mark Pentrod
Dan Grouleu

If I have missed any one or you have not yet committed to me, please contact me at billwheel@aol.com or 616-897-7711, this will alow me to order enough food.
Thank You - will be at Hillsdale on Sunday - see you there.
Update on particpants

john pierce has added his name to the roster , carp and penrod are not going to make it,

Dan Grouleua shooting both days - Sat committed 12 possible one addition
Sunday same 12 with 2 more possibles -

Thank you to those who have committed to my shoot and please come out to those who are thinking
