Holton ara results


Saturday started out cold and frosty, little wind, as it warmed the wind started, switchy and gusty. We had 8 competitors

I wish to thank Tammy Longcore for bringing a feast of homemade pies for us to finish the day with. I had a piece of her penut butter and apple, and they were delicious.

Match Results
J Plencner T1 2,175
W Wheeler T2 2,400 high target for year, high carrer target
R Thompson T3 2,025
T Mahoney T4 2,050

Match Winner J Plencner 2,015 Ag

Season Reusults
M Worthington 1st
T Mahone 2nd
W Wheeler 3rd
J Plencner 4th
T Longcore 5th

I wish to thank everyone for a good year


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Holton Boy's,
Congrats on the win to Mr. Jim Plencner. Congrats to you Bill Wheeler for your 2400. It is a real satisfying feeling when you can find that condition and run with it. I wish I could have had some of Tammy's pies. With the great fruit they grow I bet they were excellent. See you all at the end of the month.
