Holton ara - club - state tourn results


We had a nice tournout, 14 shooters on Sat, includes two juniors.The weather was mid 70s, gusty, and switchy winds, one competitor wanted to know what to do when the tails stand straight up in the air.

T1 2,150 W Wheeler
T2 2,125 R Thompson
T3 2,000 T Longcore
T4 1,810 W Wheeler - by creedmore
T5 2,100 W Wheeler
T6 2,150 T Mahoney

High Target W Wheeler - by creedmore

1st Place T Mahoney 1,926.667 ag 168 pnts
2nd Place W Wheeler 1,849.167 ag 156 pnts
3rd Place J Plencner 1,760.000 ag 144 pnts
4th Place J Carper 1,754.167 ag 132 pnts
5th Place M Worthington 1,715.000 120 pnts

1st Place - K Wheeler 1,185 ag
2nd Place - C Wheeler 1,065 ag

We has a steak and chicken fry that evening, and a good time was had by all

I wish to thank those who participated

And a special thanks to my wife Karen, and To Neene and Shelby Ackerman

Bill Wheeler
Match Director
Holton, MI is a first class club with incredible facilities. The place serves breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner too. That is awesome! There are equally awesome people there. I want to congratulate Terry Mahoney for his Holton Club Tournament win. He shot incredibly well considering the conditions. Bill (WHEELS) Wheeler shot very well also. My solutes to the both of you for doing so well. I really enjoyed everyones company in the evening hanging out in the clubhouse chit-chatting and learned a lot about what the fellowship that this game brings. Thanks for holding the double tournament Bill! I enjoyed it.
