Holbrook Results Feb.4,2017


New member
Record for Holbrook 6 Springers! Only 9 250's with one 750 with the temperature in the 20's outside
Didn't help the scores. Great Turnout! Shooters from Maine, New Hamshire, New York, Massachusetts even a couple from The Vinyard Great to see Stu and Robin again.

Results of Holbrook Scoreline indoor shoot Feb 4,2017
Springer Class
Mark Marini ,Holbrook FWB-300 240 7X, 242 3X, 240 5X, 722 15X
Stuart Spector, Holbrook FWB-300 232 6X, 238 5X, 244 10X, 714 16X
Bill Day, Holbrook FWB-300 239 3X, 244 5X, 229 5X, 712 13X
Bill Day, Holbrook FWB-300 239 6X, 241 7X, 230 4X, 710 17X
Chris Sloan, Holbrook FWB-300 234 5X, 234 5X, 233 2X, 701 12X
Robert Fisher, Holbrook FWB-300 192 2X, 221 1X, 224 4X, 637 7X

LV Class
Steve Grayner, Holbrook RAW 244 2X, 240 5X, 247 12X, 731 19X
Robin Zosack, Holbrook RAW 236 6X, 247 8X, 247 10X, 730 24X
David Shattuck, Holbrook AA S400, 242 5X, 241 9X, 246 9X, 729 23X
Howard Williams, Holbrook Walther, DNF, DNF, 235 1X, 235 1X Scope problem

HV Class
Mark Marini, Holbrook Thomas 249 11X, 250 18X, 250 16X, 749 45X
Ed Hosier, Salem NY Thomas 250 19X, 250 18X, 247 10X, 747 47X
David Shattuck, Holbrook RAW 248 17X, 250 14X, 249 16X, 747 40X
Ed Hosier, Salem NY Thomas 248 14X, 248 15X, 250 10X, 746 39X
Chris Sloan, Holbrook RAW 249 11X, 244 9X, 246 7X, 739 27X
Howard Williams, Holbrook Thomas 248 9X, DNF, DNF, 248 9X

Open Class
Paul Bendix, Holbrook,Thomas 250 17X, 250 12X, 250 18X, 750 47X

Next shoot March 4, 2017
Paul Bendix

Sent from my iPad
Thanks Paul for running another great match.

Had a great time shooting and visiting, along with welcoming our 2 newest shooters: Ed and Steve. That makes 4 new shooters at Holbrook over this season alone: Ed, Steve, Robert and Howard. And who knows how many more will follow once they tell all their friends about how great it is to shoot Holbrook. Gonna have to add a couple more benches. Maybe we'll have to take over the Meeting Room and kick out the rest of the Club members who have come to shoot the Outdoor venues, visit, and have lunch on Saturdays. Sorry guys, from now on lunch will be served out in the pavilion.

What great scores! I'm totally impressed with where this thing is heading.

Both Paul and I having been involved with Airgun Benchrest since its inception (after BR-50), and it's come a long way, especially since Mike has started offering his Thomas'. They're the best thing that's happened to our sport, bar none! Someday I'm hoping to be able to get one with the adjustable porting system. 4 years ago it was totally unheard of to be able to shoot just one gun for all the Classes other than Springer and be competitive. But now by taking maybe 30 seconds to swapping out a single screw you can do just that and have a very good chance of winning them all. Hopefully the Thomas' will spur on other designers and manufacturers who also want to build winning guns to step forward with new designs that are as capable.

Looking forward to doing it all again next month, and will see everybody on the 4th.

Oh, and congratulations to our Patriots for doing the totally unbelievable by winning their 5th Super Bowl, in Overtime, and after having to overcome a 25 point deficit, mainly due to their performance in the 4th quarter. To be honest, I hard pretty much written them off by halftime. But what do I know? Obviously not much!

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