Holbrook indoor AirGunBenchrest 25 yards.Sat Jan 7 11:00-4:30


New member
cancelled due to storm! Holbrook AirGunBenchrest 25 yards.Sat Jan 7 11:00-4:30

Holbrook Sportsmens Club
150 Quincy St.
Holbrook, Massachusetts
Will have it's first 2017 shoot on January 7, 2017
Indoor range one set-up and bench drawing around 11:00AM to 4:30 PM.
Targets can be used for score line.
Howard from Dover N.H. Should be joining us.
See you Sat.
Paul Bendix
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Got everything ready to go and will pack the truck on Friday. Can't wait and just hoping the snow stays way to the south to help make the drive a little easier. Although, I'll bet Stu is hoping for just the opposite.

Will check at Mon meeting if we can have range next Sat Jan 14.

Will let you know if we can have shoot on the 14 th. After Mon night E board meeting.

Paul Bendix
Excellent Call!

Thank you for all that you do Paul, and I hope you realize how much the rest of us appreciate it.

If things go well, I'll see everybody next weekend.

Thank you...

What Dave said....
We really appreciate what you do for us and the sport.