Hog Roast Schedule revision


ER P. M.
Shooters be advised that the 2020 Hog Roast (World points Qualifier Match) has been postponed. With the restriction placed on gathering size in the state of Pennsylvania, and for the general good of all concerning the current COVID-19 situation, a decision has been made to postpone the match originally scheduled for 5/2 and 5/3 Until July 25th and 26th.
Even that new date will depend on the progress of the virus and the State of Pennsylvania Restictions at that time. PLEASE refer to the NBRSA for any further updates.

Pat Metcalf ,Intrem Eastern Region Director
In looking at all the cancellations, once this Corona Virus clears, it would appear that there is a heck of a chance for a compressed benchrest season! Super Shoot, Shamrock, Hog Roast, Nationals for both organizations all in a 90 day time frame! This could get interesting. Did’t include the Rattlesnake in Raton.