Hey Jackie (blub)(blub)

Nobody has put in an order for an Ark with propellers as of yet.

It is raining, a lot. But then, that’s what happens when a Tropical Depression slowly moves over the area.

It gives all of the transplanted news reporters a chance to put on slicker suites, rubber boots, and wade around in water while pontificating about impending doom. It also gives stupid people a chance to see if their car will float.

It’s Houston. We live in a reclaimed swamp, on the coast. You take the bad with the good.


Being a long time resident, has the frequency of these events increased?


Being a long time resident, has the frequency of these events increased?


I have lived on the Gulf Coast my entire life, and there has never been a time when we didn’t have hurricanes and tropical disturbances.

In the past ten years, we have had two storms that I would call catastrophic. Ike because of it’s huge size and the extensive wind damage, and Harvey, because of the extensive water damage because it stalled on the coast and dumped over 50 inches of rain in 36 hours.

Back in the early 90’s, we had a storm do the identical same as Harvey. It was Allison. It sat on top of us and dumped rain for days.

I don’t think things are any worse, or better, than they have been for the past years. Truth is, the worst storm is usually the one you just went through.
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True dat!

good observation Jackie ;)

BTST everywhere I've ever lived folks talk about "this weather" as though it's somehow unusual. And records are set EVERY YEAR!

This bothered me, so I ran some quick SWAG's... 365 days, 10/12 different records for each day/week/month just on the surface (ie "hottest"-"coldest"-"wettest"-"driest"-"longest spell of"-"smokiest"-"most humid" etc etc)

Then they keep REDEFINING the weather with gunk like "real-feel" and "heat-index" and finally I realized it's just "news"......soporific for the masses..... nothing more!

The same easily amused folks with no identity of their own who watch GOT and DWTS and keep up with Bruce Jenner's family and the "Royals" will ALWAYS make up stuff to make them feel good about their generation or their time here on earth VS all other times.......

instead of THINKING

Thank You Jackie for being one of those who THINK, I appreciate your insights.
Well, if you are watching the news, it’s got a lot worse.

It rained all night, and has rained all day.

It’s flooding.

The rain is supposed to stop tonight. It’s moving North East.

I figure a lot of my friends over it Lake Charles are getting it pretty bad as well.
Our local news/weather just said Houston has gotten 40 inches in the last 2 days,

Keep that 2015BR on a top shelf.

I can remember when they said the World was drying up in the late 50's. If we did get rain soon, the world as they knew it would end. And God let it SNOW.