Hey, Don here's one for you!!!


Phil Deese

Hey Don, here's one for you!!!

The democrats bragged about thir ethical congress before the 2006 election......WHAT HAPPEN??? Don your always throwing little snipits out there about republicans....looks like they both need some "House Cleaning!!

More Democrat cronies who received special Countrywide loan deals
By Michelle Malkin • June 13, 2008 10:27 AM Well, well, well. I guess we won’t be hearing Barack Obama fuming about these cozy home loan deals, either. Portfolio has the scoop on special Countrywide loan arrangements received by Democrat Sens. Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Kent Conrad of North Dakota.

Let me repeat that, because it won’t get blaring front-page or nightly news treatment. The recipients were Democrat Sens. Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad.

As you know, Obama’s VP vetter Jim Johnson stepped down from the campaign search committee over similar arrangements with Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozila.


Two U.S. senators, two former Cabinet members, and a former ambassador to the United Nations received loans from Countrywide Financial through a little-known program that waived points, lender fees, and company borrowing rules for prominent people.

Senators Christopher Dodd, Democrat from Connecticut and chairman of the Banking Committee, and Kent Conrad, Democrat from North Dakota, chairman of the Budget Committee and a member of the Finance Committee, refinanced properties through Countrywide’s “V.I.P.” program in 2003 and 2004, according to company documents and emails and a former employee familiar with the loans.

Other participants in the V.I.P. program included former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alphonso Jackson, former Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala, and former U.N. ambassador and assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke. Jackson was deputy H.U.D. secretary in the Bush administration when he received the loans in 2003. Shalala, who received two loans in 2002, had by then left the Clinton administration for her current position as president of the University of Miami. She is scheduled to receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom on June 19.
Who in the most ethical Congress will push for an investigation? Show of hands?
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Wasn't George Bush jr...on the board of directors of the "failed" Savings and Loan Institution back in the 1980s that our federal government had to bail out?? Bad investments on the West coast and Denver Colorado area???
Check it out you might be surprised how many skeletons are hidden in closets of politicians everywhere..!
I think everyone has a right to their opinion..without harrassment..I thought that was what the 1st Amendment was about...?
I won't try to convince you, if you won't try and convince me..! Fair Nuff..?
Whew, I thought he was going to bring up McCain's part in the Keating Five Scandal! :D

If any of them broke the law tthen turn your evidence over to the Justice Department like you did on all the thousands of crime Bill Clinton committed and let them all go to prison.

Charging people with crimes, yes! Innuendo, no!
Mr "D"

All of the things they tried to accuse Bush of have never been proven either....will you guys admit they were false?? I put this up is to show that corruption is bad on both sides, but most democrats won't admit it!! Look at what the last 2 years of the "Do Nothing" congress has brought us.....I sure hope people throw all of the incumbants out next election.......that includes democrates and republicans......we can't afford to keep paying the "Pelosi Premium" for gasoline anymore!! Looks like they are going to have hearings on these crooks pretty soon....another waste of taxpayers dollars, but maybe they won't be re-elected.
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Wasn't George Bush jr...on the board of directors of the "failed" Savings and Loan Institution back in the 1980s that our federal government had to bail out?? Bad investments on the West coast and Denver Colorado area???
Check it out you might be surprised how many skeletons are hidden in closets of politicians everywhere..!
I think everyone has a right to their opinion..without harrassment..I thought that was what the 1st Amendment was about...?
I won't try to convince you, if you won't try and convince me..! Fair Nuff..?

No, that was the Keating five which McCain was a part of. the only one o escape conviction by the senate ethics committee, senate ethics is indeed an oxymoron in case anybody was wondering.
Hey Al,............................................... ............

How does everyone up there fell about drilling in ANWR??
How does everyone up there fell about drilling in ANWR??

We have dumb a$$ greenies just like everywhere else. Just not as many. If I were to guess, I'd say the majority of the people are in favor. I see more of the "DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW" bumper stickers every day on the roads. (maybe as high as 80 to 90%)

The argument about the caribou being affected by oil drilling is a joke. Dis proven by 40 years of the Alaskan pipe line and the drilling on the north slope.

Our state government is in favor of drilling.